Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati Status of BEPCII/BESIII and Physics preparation Jiawen Zhang 2008/4/7—10 , PHIPSI08, Frascati.


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Presentation transcript:

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati Status of BEPCII/BESIII and Physics preparation Jiawen Zhang 2008/4/7—10 , PHIPSI08, Frascati

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati Outline BEPCII BESIII MDC EMC TOF MUON Superconductor Trigger DAQ Offline Summary

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati BEPCII Double ring Superconductor high frequency cavity Superconductor Q magnet Full energy inject, the inject speed much more higher the BEPCI BEPCBEPCII unit Beam Energ y GeV Inject Energy GeV Ring girth m Periods8008ns Beam Current ~ mA Lum ~1x10 31 (30~100)×10 31 cm -2 s -1 Bunch 193

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati The BESIII Detector Be beam pipe SC magnet Magnet yoke MDC CsI calorimeter TOF

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati MDC Expected Performance : Single wire spatial resolution 130  m, dE/dx 6 % Beam test at Japan After assemble, do more then half year cosmic ray test at Lab. 2008, Jan. installation had finished

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati CsI Electromagnetic Calorimeter Expected Performance : –Energy Resolution : –Position Resolution : After much more test for each crystal, assemble it, and at 2007, Oct., installed it to the BESIII.

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati TOF BarrelEndcap Expected Performance : 80-90ps Beam test study : different type scintillator, packing material , thickness,… The result shown : can be achieve the design target

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati HPTDC Test Result ; Time Resolution< 25ps The RMS Value for one Pulse: ps/  2~18.09ps After test it for each counter, at 2007, Dec., assemble all of them to MD, and at 2008, Jan. had finished installation

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati Next The time resolution need more calibrations, if we want to increase it, we need another option. MRPC can reach 40ps at INFN, they plan to contribute for the BESIII TOF upgrade, if this plan come true, the total time resolution can reach 60ps. This very avail for the high momentum particle identifier.

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati MUON 9 layers RPC, Efficiency >95% Befor assemble the RPC in modules, we test all of the RPC bare chamber, after assembled, we test all of the module again. At 2005, Oct., finished installation, the use cosmic ray test all the Muon detector again, at 2008 Mar., after all of the sub-detector installation, do more then one month cosmic ray test with other sub-detectors, we are doing the data analysis, the result shown, the average efficiency reached to more then 98%

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati Superconductor Magnet System Uphold barrel ship out to Tangshan Uphold barrel arrived Uphold barrel welding in Beijing 2006,Aug. finished superconductor installation and magnetic field reached 1T LN2 barrel arrived

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati Trigger System Hardware Structure

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati DAQ System Adopted PowerPC ( MVME2431 ) emulational electronics unit , the whole DAQ data readout ( from unit to online PCs ) and run control are normal, integral performance accord with BESIII requirements. Design indexes : ~ 50Mb/s, 4000 Hz

BESIII DAQ System Design Goals  Event triggering rate: 4000Hz , average event data length: 12Kb , data rate: 50Mbps  High reliability, provided with failure auto-resume function  Blocking design , easy to extend and upgrade

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati Based on ATLAS online software framework , transplanted to our environment Intercross compiling environment : Sun Solaris Tonardo VxWorks Gcc

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati BESIII Offline System Base on CMT BESIII software development and management environment Base on GAUDI 3 versions software framework Base on GEANT4 detector primary simulation program All of sub-detectors primary reconstruction programs have finished Base on MYSQL offline calbrication system and parameter management system

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati BES III Offline Software System Transient Event Store Generator Simulation Digitization Gaudi Event Display Simulation Reconstruction Physics Analysis Calibration Cal-MDC EVERTEX EMC(B/E) V0FIND Exp. data MC data Detector-Geo Cal-Data Control-Data DST Made Cal-TOFFast-trackEvent-T0 MUIDTOF(B/E)MDC-track REC Data DST Data Pre-tracking Post-tracking Phy-tracking calibUtil Services Register, write Search Read Gaudi Client Calibrator Gaudi services Metadata (persistent) MySQL rdbms FACS Calibration & Database Simulation Reconstruction

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati 4 π- tracks in BESIII p= GeV |cosθ|<0.9 pion punch-through Hits in end-cap TOF

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati Cosmic ray test At 2008 Jan., after all of the sub-detector installed(do not include the end cap TOF and endcap of EMC), we do more then 2 month cosmic test, and take a lot of cosmic ray events, used to check the detectors, and now we are doing data analysis for it. At Mar. 15, we have stopped the cosmic ray test, and we are moving the detectors to the collide point.

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati Cosmic ray test

Jiawen Zhang, IHEP, 2008, April 10, frascati Summary 2005,Oct. finished muon detector installation 2006,Aug. finished superconductor installation and magnetic field reached 1T 2007,Oct. finished the EMC barrel part installation 2007,Nov. BEPCII success achieved collide 2008,Jan. finished MDC and TOF barrel part installation 2008, Jan. BEPCII beam current achieved 500mA*500mA, and calculate Lum. is about 1*10 32 nbs , Feb. finished the EMC endcap and TOF endcap installation 2008, Mar. BESIII cosmic ray test, and take more cosmic ray event, and now we are use the cosmic ray data to check the sub- detectors. 2008, Mar. 15, stop the cosmic ray test, and we are moving the detector to the collision point. 2008, June, we’ll begin test with BEPCII, and then we can begin do the physics experiment, the energy point will be set J/ .