sunmontueswedthursfrisat Teacher’s Institute 1 st day of student attendance 11:30 dismissal No School Memorial Day School Pictures Benchmarking Check WWW Benchmarking Check WWW Benchmarking Check WWW Benchmarking Check WWW Benchmarking Check WWW Benchmarking Check WWW Benchmarking Check WWW Benchmarking Check WWW Benchmarking Check WWW Benchmarking Check WWW
sunmontueswedthursfrisat PASI/PSI All students PASI/PSI All students PASI/PSI All students PASI/PSI All students PASI/PSI All students Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Check WWW Progress Monitor Check WWW PASI/PSI Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor ½ day of school, 11:30 SIP Day 12-3
sunmontueswedthursfrisat PASI/PSI Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Check WWW Progress Monitor Check WWW Report Cards sent home Conferences 3:30-5:30, 6-8 Conferences 3:30-5:30, 6-8 NO SCHOOL Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor
sunmontueswedthursfrisat Progress Monitor Progress Monitor PASI/PSI Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Check WWW Progress Monitor Check WWW PASI/PSI NO SCHOOL
sunmontueswedthursfrisat NO SCHOOLTeacher’s Institute School resumes for students Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor NO SCHOOL MLK Day PASI/PSI Check WWW PASI/PSI Check WWW Early Dismissal 1:50 Semester Exams PASI/PSI Early Dismissal 1:50 Semester Exams End of 1 st Semester PASI/PSI Benchmarking
sunmontueswedthursfrisat Benchmarking PASI/PSI Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Check WWW Midterms sent home Progress Monitor Check WWW NO SCHOOL President’s Day Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor PASI/PSI
sunmontueswedthursfrisat PASI/PSI ISAT Testing Progress Monitor (3 rd -8 th does not need to PM) ISAT Testing Progress Monitor (3 rd -8 th does not need to PM) ISAT Testing Progress Monitor (3 rd -8 th does not need to PM) ISAT Testing Progress Monitor (3 rd -8 th does not need to PM) ISAT Testing Progress Monitor (3 rd -8 th does not need to PM) PASI/PSI Check WWW End of 3 rd quarter PASI/PSI Check WWW TBA Meet with Parr to review student data TBA Meet with Parr to review student data TBA Meet with Parr to review student data TBA Meet with Parr to review student data TBA Meet with Parr to review student data TBA Meet with Parr to review student data TBA Meet with Parr to review student data TBA Meet with Parr to review student data Report Cards sent home Progress Monitor Conferences 3:30-5:30, 6-8 Progress Monitor Conferences 3:30-5:30, 6-8 No Students Teacher’s Institute NO SCHOOLProgress Monitor
sunmontueswedthursfrisat NO SCHOOL Spring Break NO SCHOOL Spring Break NO SCHOOL Spring Break NO SCHOOL Spring Break NO SCHOOL Spring Break PASI/PSI Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Check WWW Progress Monitor Check WWW PASI/PSI Progress Monitor
sunmontueswedthursfrisat Progress Monitor Progress Monitor Progress Monitor ½ Day of School 11:30 dismissal SIP 12-3 Benchmarking PASI/PSI NO SCHOOL Memorial Day Check WWW Progress Monitor Check WWW Progress Monitor Progress Monitor
sunmontueswedthursfrisat Progress Monitor Non- attendance if snow days are not used. 1:50 dismissal Non- attendance if snow days are not used. 1:50 dismissal Teacher’s Institute