DISTRICT AIDS PREVENTION AND CONTROL UNIT District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit Office of the CMOH(PH Branch) Administrative Building Jalpaiguri District Hospital Jalpaiguri
Facilities in the Dist. Number of Facilitie s No. of Facilities Working TI NGO’s11 Link Worker project 11 ICTCs15 Blood Banks22 Blood Storage units 41 STI Clinics22 ART Centre00 Link ART Centre 33 CCC11 SRL00 Name of the NGOsType of Program Covering AreaEstimated Population Gana Unnayan Porisad (Tracker’s -Fulbari) TI-NGO Working on HRG’s (Truck driver & Helper) Fulbari Truck terminal10000 Bharuka PWTCommunity Care Center Care and Support Of HIV +ve People, Mohitnagar Bed Capacity 10 CINILink Workers Scheme Project Office at Assrampara Siliguri Darjeeling Working on 10 GP Jalpaiguri District Jalpaiguri HRIDAYPPTCT Program Project Office at Ukilpara Jalpaiguri Working in the reactive ANC Mothers in Jalpaiguri District, 2
District Category Cumulative PLHA ever registered at ART centers ( As on Feb’13) Cumulative Number of patients ever started on ART (As on Feb’13) Cumulative Number of PLHA alive & on ART (As on Feb’13) AdultChildren JalpaiguriB Cumulative number of PLHIV of Jalpaiguri District,ever register at ART Centre as on Feb’13
HIV Positive Status of Jalpaiguri District Sl. No. Year Number of TestFound PositivePercentage (%) General (HRG + Male+Female) ANC General (HRG + Male+Female) ANC General (HRG + Male+Female) ANC (Apr’10- Mar’11) % (Apr’11- Mar’12) %0.12% (Apr’12- Mar’13) %0.15% Total (Apr’10 to Mar 2013) %
Indicators Annual Target Apr-12May-12Jun-12 Jul- 12 Aug-12Sep-12Oct-12 Nov- 12 Dec-12Jan-13Feb-13Mar-13 Total Total Number of clients tested for HIV (Male + Female + HRG) ANC tested in all the ICTCs Number of Client found HIV reactive (Male + Female + HRG) ANC client found HIV reactive Data Sources from the Monthly CMIS Data of the ICTC Unit of Jalpaiguri HIV Testing Scenario for the
Monthly HIV Testing & positive Status of general client in
Monthly HIV Testing & positive Status of ANC client in
Unit Name Testingpositive TB/HIV Co- infected General ClientANC General ClientANC Rajganj DH ICTC ANC Maynaguri Dhupguri Falakata MAL Birpara Alipurduar Kamakhyaguri Uttarlatabari Sulkapara Madarihat Jashodanga Jalpaiguri HRIDAY Total Yearly HIV Testing & positive Status with Co-infected in
Graphical presentation of Yearly HIV Testing & positive Status with Co-infected in
Sub- Divissoin Jalpaiguri SadarMalbazarAlipurduar Total Name of the Unit Rajg anj RH Distri ct Hospi tal ANC of DH Hrid ay CB O Mayna guri RH Dhup guri RH Mal SDH Sulkap ara F- ICTC Falak ata RH Birp ara SGH Madari hat Alipur duar SDH Kamak shyagu ri BPHC Kalch ini General Client ANC Mother Total Positivity145 (Positivity rate is 1.00%) 21 (Positivity rate is 1.06%) 96 (Positivity Rate is 0.9%) Positivity Rate of th District in this Year is 0.75% (Where the ANC Positivity is.14% & the General Client Positivity is 1.76%) Positivity Rate of
Status of Link ART Centre at Jalpaiguri District in Unit Name Number of Individuals in Treatment MaleFemaleChildDeath APD SDH16500 JAL DH5301 MAL SDH2200 Total231001
Name of the Block Number of Sub-center WBFPT KIT Receive (1 Box = 30 Test KIT) Name of the Month:- December 2012 Name of the Month:- January 2013 Name of the Month:- February 2013 Name of the Month:- March 2013 OB Test Waste +ve Ref. ICTC CB MB OB Test Waste +ve Ref. ICTC CB MB OB Test Waste +ve Ref. ICTC CB MB OB Test Waste +ve Ref. ICTC CB MB SADAR RAJGANJ MAYNAGU RI Not Yet Started DHUPGURI FALAKATA441320Not Yet Started MAL MATIALI NAGRAKA TA MADARIH AT APD-I APD-II KALCHINI KUMARGR AM Labour Ward Total Whole Blood finger Prick Test at Sub-Centre Level in
Name of the Block Number of Sub-centre WBFPT KIT Receive (1 Box = 30 Test KIT) Name of the Month:- January 2013Name of the Month:- February 2013 Opening Balance No. Of Test Done Wastage No. pf Positive/Reactive Actually reached ICTC Closing Balance No. of NB pair receive Opening Balance No. Of Test Done Wastage No. pf Positive/Reactive Actually reached ICTC Closing Balance No. of NB pair receive SADAR RAJGANJ MAYNAGURI DHUPGURI FALAKATA MAL NAGRAKATA MADARIHAT APD KALCHINI Total Whole Blood finger Prick Test at DMC/TU Level in