ODOT- Office of Environmental Services
How to plan and implement effective Public Involvement Meetings
One-on-One Small Group Open Meeting/Fair Advisory Committee/ Task Force Charrette Open House Formal Public Hearing Open House/Hearing
Who? Individuals, property owners, etc. Why? Convey project info, updates, resolve conflict, build consensus, improve relations, id project issues, evaluate alternatives, develop solutions. Where? Everywhere- location where they are comfortable. When? Convenient to them. How? General to specific agenda, handouts, maps, etc.
Who? Special interest groups, agencies, officials, etc. Why? Convey project info, updates, resolve conflict, build consensus, improve relations, ID project issues, evaluate alternatives, develop solutions. Where? Everywhere- neutral locations- where they are comfortable, schools, churches, libraries, etc. When? o Convenient to them. How? General to specific agenda, handouts, maps, etc.
Who? General Public Why? Convey project info, updates, build consensus, improve relations, ID project issues. Where? Large open spaces, malls, county fairs, neighborhood events, school fairs, church socials, etc. When? Flexible or fixed hours- dependent on others. How? No agenda. Comment table, handouts, maps, etc.
Who? Special interest groups, agencies, officials, etc. Why? Convey project info, updates, resolve conflict, build consensus, improve relations, ID project issues, evaluate alternatives, develop solutions. Where? Everywhere- neutral locations, location where they are comfortable, schools, churches, libraries, etc. When? o Convenient to them. Flexible or fixed hours. How? Specific agenda, formal seating, handouts, maps, facilitator, etc.
Who? Special interest groups, agencies, officials, etc. Why? Brainstorm project ideas/issues, build consensus, improve relations, id project issues, evaluate alternatives, develop solutions. Where? Neutral locations, location where they are comfortable, schools, churches, libraries, etc. When? o Convenient to them. Flexible or fixed hrs. How? Specific agenda, open seating, exhibits, maps, facilitator, etc.
Who? o General public Why? ID project issues, evaluate alternatives, develop solutions, build consensus. Where? Community centers, schools, churches, libraries, etc. When? o Fixed hour. How? Semi-formal agenda, open seating, facilitation of exhibits, maps, break out areas, (used on CE-4 and above projects) etc.
Who? General public Why? Present project, impacts, etc, satisfy legal mandates, receive comments, public speaks before peers, etc. Where? City Hall, community centers, schools, churches, libraries, etc. When? Fixed hours. How? Formal agenda, formal recordation of the event, open seating, facilitator, maps, comment recording areas, etc.
Who? General public Why? ID project issues, evaluate alternatives, develop solutions, build consensus, satisfy legal mandates, receive comments, public speaks before peers. Where? Community centers, schools, churches, libraries, etc. When? Fixed hours. How? Semi-formal agenda, recordation of the event, open seating, facilitator, facilitation of exhibits, maps, break out areas, etc.
Be Prepared. Enthusiastic Staff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ensure the team is on the same page! Choose the site carefully. Ensure the facility is laid out appropriately. Practice, practice, practice. Appropriate advertising and notification.
Plan the Agenda Convenient to the Public Clear and Concise Presentations/Exhibits. Official Record/Meeting Minutes Follow Up!
Up to 6 Months before the event… Determine meeting date, purpose, audience, team needed and format. Identify general location and facility needs and begin site selection process. Review any legal requirements for public notices and plan your announcement process and approach.
Up to 3 Months before the event… Tour the meeting facility and lock it in. Identify meeting materials, exhibits and begin development. Define team roles and hold a planning meeting with the team. Develop advertising strategy and begin the process of developing notices and ads. Prepare mailing list for notifications. Make special arrangements (access, court recorder, etc.).
Up to 2 Months before the event… Confirm facility arrangements and any special arrangements (court recorder). Finalize legal notices and determine newspaper contacts and advertising deadlines.
Up to 1 Month before the event… Finalize all notices and send out letters, flyers, ads, press releases, etc. Schedule team practice run. Finalize meeting agenda and exhibits.
2 weeks before the event… Resubmit newspaper ads for second publication, if necessary. Conduct final review of handouts, agenda, exhibits, evaluations, etc. and begin final production of these materials. Compile list of supplies needed and begin to assemble. Finalize meeting room layout. Arrange for any meeting directional signing needed.
1 week before the event… Hold final rehearsal and staff briefing. Prepare and send out Q&As or other project materials to entire project team. Make sure everyone knows their roles. Conduct a final inspection of all exhibits and handouts. Complete assembly of supplies.
Day of event… Dress appropriately? Arrive early! Hold a quick briefing with staff for any last changes/arrangements. Be flexible, but execute your plan. ….then prepare for everything to go wrong! Hold a debriefing with team after the event.
Know your audience: Have a person at the sign-in to be a look- out for VIPs. Have a separate media kit ready. Be equal for all when it comes to speaking times/open mic. Dont know everything? Dont worry. Follow up quickly on questions you cant answer there. I dont know is not a bad answer.
Determine the type of meeting you need to convey the projects necessary information. Remember the elements of effective mtgs: Be prepared, good and well prepared staff, good meeting planning and making sure the public is appropriately invited… Holding a PI event doesnt happen over night. Plan ahead and execute your plan.