Session 1 Outline Overview of Phase II What is expected? What should we be doing today? What are others doing? Suggested steps to move your program forward Overview of Phase II What is expected? What should we be doing today? What are others doing? Suggested steps to move your program forward So, Whats this all about?
Overview of Phase II …. Clean Water Act- Initial NPDES Permit Implemented NPDES Phase I Drafted NPDES Phase II Drafted NPDES Phase II Issued Today- June 2004 Whats Expected Tomorrow: Permit Renewal Total Maximum Daily Load Sampling/Monitoring Water Quality regulations Clean Water Act- Revised Time Line Perspective of the NPDES Regulatory Process
Overview of Phase II NPDES Phase II- What is Required and Who is Required: 6 Minimum Control Measures Measurable Goals Maximum Extent Practical (MEP) Annual Reports: Overview of Phase II NPDES Phase II- What is Required and Who is Required: 6 Minimum Control Measures Measurable Goals Maximum Extent Practical (MEP) Annual Reports: OEPA Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System – General Permit. _OHQ00001.pdf
Overview of Phase II Review of 6 Minimum Control Measures Public Education and Outreach Public Involvement and Participation Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Construction Site Run-off Control Post-Construction Run-Off Control Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Review of 6 Minimum Control Measures Public Education and Outreach Public Involvement and Participation Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Construction Site Run-off Control Post-Construction Run-Off Control Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
Who is Required? Total Regulated NPDES Phase II entities- 453 Rapidly Developing Entities – 69 (11- Countys, 27-villages/Citys, 31- Townships) General Permit Entities- 384 Total Regulated NPDES Phase II entities- 453 Rapidly Developing Entities – 69 (11- Countys, 27-villages/Citys, 31- Townships) General Permit Entities Allen - Auglaize - Belmont - Butler - Clark - Clermont - Cuyahoga - Delaware - Erie - Fairfield - Franklin - Geauga - Greene - Hamilton - Jefferson - Lake - Lawrence - Licking - Lorain - Lucas - Mahoning - Medina - Miami - Montgomery - Ottawa - Portage - Richland - Stark - Summit - Trumbull - Union - Warren - Washington - Wayne - Wood
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) – What can you expect going forward? Regulatory Update: 1.Rule still awaiting approval signature from Director 2.Rapidly developing entities have received regulatory comments - Summary of comments 3.Estimated date for all general entities to receive comments- 9/1/04
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) – What can you expect going forward? Regulatory Update Going Forward Issues: - Upon rule signature- enforcement may increase. - First permit ends Annual Reports- 2004, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - Potential sampling/monitoring in 2 nd term permit. - Increased number of TMDLs in place. - Increased enforcement at local level?
Storm Water Management – What is Expected? What does the permit require? Storm Water Management Plan 2003 Annual Report Outfall Inventory Home Sewer Treatment System Inventory Best Management Practice Implementation Tracking and Reporting Illicit Discharge Elimination Program Best Management Practice Appropriateness Assessment
Storm Water Management- Whats Expected? Storm Water Management Plan Completed- awaiting regulatory comment Should serve as Road map for implementation and reporting BMPs can be added, can not be deleted How should I be using this manual? What if I do not implement plan commitments? Storm Water Management Plan Completed- awaiting regulatory comment Should serve as Road map for implementation and reporting BMPs can be added, can not be deleted How should I be using this manual? What if I do not implement plan commitments?
Storm Water Management- Whats Expected? Annual Report Report on plan progress Address compliance with stated measurable goals and schedule issues Report on BMP activity Provide BMP quantitative data as available Provide rationale on limits of BMP activity Annual Report Report on plan progress Address compliance with stated measurable goals and schedule issues Report on BMP activity Provide BMP quantitative data as available Provide rationale on limits of BMP activity
Storm Water Management – Whats Expected Outfall and Home Sewer Treatment System (HSTS) Inventory Storm water outfall inventory Exhibit knowledge of your system What should I collect in my Inventory? HSTS inventory requirements How are others performing this task? Should I be started already? Outfall and Home Sewer Treatment System (HSTS) Inventory Storm water outfall inventory Exhibit knowledge of your system What should I collect in my Inventory? HSTS inventory requirements How are others performing this task? Should I be started already? Potential Inventory Elements: Outfalls Catch Basins Detention/Retention facilities Open channel outfalls
Storm Water Management – Whats Expected Illicit Discharge Elimination Program System Inventory outfall map Process/Procedures for detecting and eliminating illicit discharges Best Management Practices Reporting of removals Assistance from others Illicit Discharge Elimination Program System Inventory outfall map Process/Procedures for detecting and eliminating illicit discharges Best Management Practices Reporting of removals Assistance from others
Storm Water Management – Whats Expected Best Management Practice Implementation What have I done already? Based on my SWMP schedule what should I be doing? Where are others, with their implementation? Am I doing all I can do? Best Management Practice Implementation What have I done already? Based on my SWMP schedule what should I be doing? Where are others, with their implementation? Am I doing all I can do?
Storm Water Management- Whats Expected Tracking and Reporting What should we be tracking/recording? How should we be tracking? Is it expensive to track/record information? Is this a short term activity? Tracking and Reporting What should we be tracking/recording? How should we be tracking? Is it expensive to track/record information? Is this a short term activity?
Storm Water Management – Whats Expected BMP Appropriateness Assessment What do this mean? How do I get started? How frequently do I need to do this? What do I do with the results? BMP Appropriateness Assessment What do this mean? How do I get started? How frequently do I need to do this? What do I do with the results?
Overview of Phase II- Ohio Environmental Protection Agency- (OEPA) Red Flags Potential OEPA red flags: Due-diligence Non-submittal of annual report Non-responsive to OEPA plan comments No inventory activity No positive program movement forward Potential OEPA red flags: Due-diligence Non-submittal of annual report Non-responsive to OEPA plan comments No inventory activity No positive program movement forward
What Do I Do Next? Workshop Guidance Topics Strom system map tools Approaches for Identifying illicit discharges Model regulations for construction/post- construction Construction/post-construction Dos and Donts. Good housekeeping/pollution prevention tools Keeping track of it all Public education tools Keeping costs down Helpful resources Workshop Guidance Topics Strom system map tools Approaches for Identifying illicit discharges Model regulations for construction/post- construction Construction/post-construction Dos and Donts. Good housekeeping/pollution prevention tools Keeping track of it all Public education tools Keeping costs down Helpful resources
Overview of Phase II Recap Topics Covered Regulatory history 6 Minimum Control Measures Expectations of Phase II requirements Workshop topic summary Topics Covered Regulatory history 6 Minimum Control Measures Expectations of Phase II requirements Workshop topic summary Are we more confused?
Questions and Answers
End of Session 1 Session 2 – Tools For Preparing Storm Sewer System Maps