We live in a very dangerous time spiritually: a time in which terms such as: political correctness; tolerance; ecumenism have be-come such a part of our society that …
any individual, or group, who do not espouse in word or action, these same beliefs, find them-selves being labeled as legalists; intolerant; homophobic, & other such derogatory terms.
And those who often cry loudest for tolerance, are just as often intolerant of those who would dare to stand up for the Truth: the Truth concerning sin; false stand-ards; false churches; false saviors; & false teachings.
Christianity is, by its very nature, an … Uncompromising Religion! It is a religion “not granting con-cessions; inflexible; rigid” (AHD). It is not because of man that this is so: it is because of God, & the nature of Truth!
A book written by a Dr. Walter Martin, “Essential Christianity,” contains the following quote by a Colonel Robert Ingersoll, whom Martin describes as “the famous agnostic:”
“Christianity cannot live in peace with any other form of faith. If that religion be true, there is but one Savior, one inspired book and but one little narrow … path that leads to heaven.
“Such a religion is necessarily uncompromising” (emp. dr; pg. 35)
JN. 14:6 Jesus is Uncompromising in His Teaching!
“A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam:” (Concerning Muhammad & the Bible) “The Biblical prophecies of the advent of the Prophet Muhammad are evidence
of the truth of Islam for people who believe in the Bible. In Deut. 18, Moses stated that God told him: …” (they quote vs.18-19) “… this prophecy refers to Muhammad & not to Jesus, …” (pgs. 33, 34)
DEUT. 18:18-19 Because I do believe the Bible, I also believe …
DEUT. 18:18-19 Because I do believe the Bible, I also believe … ACTS 3:12-26
Of interest is the fact that the religion of Islam believes that a man named Jesus was born of a virgin, & was truly a prophet of God.
“Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified. It was the plan of Jesus’ enemies to crucify him, but God saved him & raised him up to Him. And the likeness of Jesus was put over another man.
“Jesus’ enemies took this man & crucified him, thinking that he was Jesus. God has said: ‘… They said: we killed the messiah Jesus, Son of Mary, the messenger of God.
“They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but the likeness of him was put on another man (and they killed that man)…’ (Qur’an 4:157)”
JOHN 3:14-18
JOHN 3: :31-47
JOHN 3: : :23-33
JOHN 3: : : :17-37
JOHN 3: : : : :24-31
2 PET. 1:16-21
2 PET. 1: COR. 15:1-4, 12-20
EPH. 1:15-23 How many professing Christ’s Holy Name belong to denomina-tions that cannot be found in the Word of God?
EPH. 1:15-23 How many of these religious groups deny the inspiration of the Bible? Or will endorse the sins of adultery, homosexuality, & abortion?
EPH. 1:15-23 And it is extremely sad to know that there are even churches of Christ that have fallen so far from The Faith!
1 TIM. 4:1-6
ACTS 20:25-32
1 TIM. 4:1-6 ACTS 20:25-32 EPH. 4:4-6
1 TIM. 4:1-6 ACTS 20:25-32 EPH. 4:4-6 5:22-27
MATT. 28:18-20 How many churches teach a different plan of salvation than that which Jesus commanded His apostles to preach? How many teach a perverted Gospel?
GAL. 1:8-9
2 JN. 9-11
MK. 16:15-16
LK. 24:46-48
ACTS 2:32-42
ACTS 2: :5-12, 26-39
Jesus Didn’t Compromise The Truth …
Jesus Didn’t Compromise The Truth … A. When Confronting False Teachers! MATT. 15:1-14 Should We?
Jesus Didn’t Compromise The Truth … B. When Confronting Hypocrites! MATT. 23:13-39 Should We?
Jesus Didn’t Compromise The Truth … C. When Confronting Sin! JN. 8:1-11 Should We?
Jesus Didn’t Compromise The Truth … D. When Confronted With The Cross! MATT. 26:47-54
Jesus Didn’t Compromise The Truth … D. When Confronted With The Cross! MATT. 26: :11-54
Jesus Didn’t Compromise The Truth … D. When Confronted With The Cross! MATT. 26: :11-54 Should We?
Paul didn’t compromise the preaching of the cross! 1 COR. 1:17-24
Paul didn’t compromise the preaching of the cross! 1 COR. 1: :1-5
Christianity is as Uncompromis-ing as the cross that our Lord & Savior was crucified upon for the sins of this world!
How then will you stand when faced with the “Storms of Compromise?” MATT. 7:13-27
How then will you stand when faced with the “Storms of Compromise?” MATT. 7:13-27 EPH. 5:11-17