©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 2, From the HR perspective, what aspect of health care policy should be the priority of the next U.S. President and Congress to be sworn in January 2009? n = 560
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 2, Which aspect of increased access to health care for the uninsured should be the priority of the next U.S. President and Congress to be sworn in January 2009? Note: Percentages does not total 100% as multiple responses were allowed. Only respondents who selected “increase access to health care for the uninsured” where included in this analysis. n = 198
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 2, Other aspect of increased access to health care for the uninsured that should be the priority of the next U.S. President and Congress to be sworn in January 2009 Aaaaa Offer insurance at a rate based on income to those who don't have employer provided health care Mandatory for uninsured to purchase insurance--MA laws Create multi-payer system with government and private insurance, as in Germany and Australia Establish mechanism for insurers to allocate portion of profits to creating health insurance products for uninsured Easier qualification for Medicaid Get a handle on the costs by medical providers and insurances Make the insurances more affordable Make insurance affordable for those with no employment-based option Incentive programs to encourage the healthier life styles
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 2, What do you believe should be the federal government’s role in a health care system? n = 523
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 2, To provide more information to patients, providers and purchasers of health care, what should be the next steps for the new U.S. President and Congress to be sworn in January 2009? n = 524 Note: Percentages does not total 100% as multiple responses were allowed.
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 2, Other steps the new U.S. President and Congress to be sworn in January 2009 should take to provide more information to patients, providers and purchasers of care? Aaaaa Begin health education in school curriculum Work with stakeholders to provide plans that are affordable for the consumer Subsidize the cost of health care through employers at the same time providing some coverage for those who do not have access to employer provided plans Make health care providers more accountable for errors in treatment Focus on the role of the insurer as part of the problem and part of the solution to the health care crisis Mandate that insurance companies cover alternative health care options that are wellness based rather than prescription based Create industry standard billing rates/practices to be utilized by federally funded or assisted providers (physicians, facilities, labs & pharmacies) Promote increased fraud investigations in the insurance, medical & disability benefit industries The information should include information that truly explains the costs of care and prescriptions (not the co-pays) Encourage creation of healthcare business model that works for everyone Promote wellness programs and less dependence on taking drugs for everything Reduce law suits
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 2, Methodology Response rate = 21% Sample comprised of 560 randomly selected HR professionals from SHRM’s membership. Margin of error is +/- 5%. Survey fielded the week of September 2, 2008