Philippians 62 ad
philippi via egnatia
Named by Philip of Macedon Roman Colony No taxes full Roman citizenship Latin elite culture Esteemed Citizenship
Paul’s Encounters s’ No Jewish presence - Lydia (Acts 16:13-14) Pagan worship- Slave girl Prison - entire household saved (Acts 16:31-32)
Problems in the church Internal Strife (4:2-3; 2:1-4) External pressures Persecution (1:29–30) Judaizers (3:2–6) Enemies of the cross, Anti-nomians? (3:17–19)
Delphi Pythian Oracle
After Paul’s visit Paul leaves for Thessalonica (Acts 17:1) They send him gifts (Phil 4:16) with Epaphroditus Epaphroditus gets sick (2:27) Philippians hear about his illness (2:26) Paul hears that they hear Paul sends Epaphroditus back with the letter (2:29–30) Paul writes from prison, probably in Rome, during the years AD.
Questions 1:21–26 - Living for Christ 3:7–15 - Attaining the Resurrection 3:16–17 - Imitating Paul 1 Cor 4:16; 11:1; 1 Thess 1:6 Common teacher/student model
Questions 2 1: A sign of destruction-- their confidence 4:14–18 - Philippians support Paul when he wasn’t with them
The christ hymn PHil 2:6-11 vs. 6 - He did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped - harpagmos 1. He had yet not attained equality with God - he was in the form of God 2. He did not consider equality with God, which he already enjoyed, a possession to be retained and selfishly exploited. How would you draw this story of Jesus? Is Jesus in any way different after he is exalted? What did he give up? What is his Name?
The Christ Hymn How Does Paul show his equality with God? Scripture - Isaiah 45:23 Name Worship This takes place in the context of his humility (v. 7) How can we have this mindset?