North American Commission For Environmental Cooperation Chemicals Management in Mexico Chemicals Management in Mexico M AURICIO LIMÓN AGUIRRE Under Secretary of Environmental Protection, SEMARNAT. San Antonio, Texas. May 15th, 2012.
National Development Programme Environment and natural Resouces Sectorial Programme Vision 2030 Environmental Sustainability Conserving ecosystems and biodiversity in the country. Ecological Land Zoning Sustainable water use. Mitigation and adaptation actions for climate change. Prevent and reduce environmental pollution Comprehensive management of chemicals, hazardous and solid waste. Generate scientific and technical information for decision making. Generate environmental culture to value and respect the natural resources Environmental management that contributes to competitiveness adn economic growth Environmental Sustainability in Mexico
1. Implementation of the 8 specific plans of the NIP of the Stockholm Convention: Elimination of environmental release of POPs pesticides. Reducing or eliminating the COPNI from the environment. Communication and civil society participation 2. Updating of the National Implementation Programme by the adhesion of 10 new chemicals to the Stockholm Convention 3. Implementation of the GEF/UNDP “Environmentally Appropriate Disposal of PCB 's in Mexico” 4. SAICM Quick Start Programme 10 National Chemicals Priorities
5. Implementation of the Rotterdam Convention 6. Participation in UNEP’s initiatives for chemicals such as mercury, as well as sinergies between International Conventions for Chemicals.International Conventions for Chemicals 7. Cooperation and synergies within the SMOC / CCACooperation and synergies within the SMOC / CCA 8. Updating the National Profile of Chemicals. 9. Preparation of National Inventory of Chemical Substances 10. Civil Society Participation. National Advisory Council on Chemical SubstancesCivil Society Participation 10 National Chemicals Priorities
Sinergyes Among International Conventions Life cycle management Common Goal Substances: POPs, pesticides, industrial chemicals and elements "bridge” Scope and supplemental coverage Potential Joint Implementation S OC
SMOC/CCA Activities 1. Comparable approach to identify chemicals in trade in North America (NA) 2. Implementation of risk reduction strategies to reduce exposure to Chemicals of common concern in NA 3. Comparable approaches to support risk reduction strategies, identification of priorities, comparable data and monitoring results PRONAME: Mexico conducts training, cooperation, sampling, monitoring, quality assurance, etc.., With the support of the WG on Environmental Assessment and Monitoring of SMOC Objective:Objective: To reduce and / or elimination of toxic, persistent and bioaccumulative substances in Mexican ecosystems through a long term ( 25 years) national program of environmental and biological monitoring to contribute improve the health of ecosystems and human populations Mexico operates a network of monitoring dioxins and furans and has sites for sampling of wet deposition of mercury In Mexico The Regional Center for the Stockholm Convention is located (DGCENICA).
F U N C T I O N S National Advisory Committee for Comprehensive Management of Chemicals Advisory body for SEMARNATTo provide information for public decision making Analyze and make recommendations at the request of SEMARNAT. Make recommendations to ensure shared responsibility of the sectors involved, in order to protect the environment. Contribute with information, analysis and opinions in the forums and negotiations that take place within the framework of international conventions Facilitate and encourage interinstitutional coordination for promoting compliance of international conventions on the subject 10 Experts from the Buissness Sector 10 Experts from the Academic Sector 10 Experts from Civil Society Organizations Formed by :