The Providence of Restoration Chapter 9
Restoration of the three rights means “restoration of elder sonship,” “restoration of parentship” and “restoration of kingship.” A. Formula of Restoration 1.Formula of Restoration from the Viewpoint of the Restoration of the Three Rights
a.Realms of God’s Dominion (Original Order) and Satan’s Dominion God Adam Eve Cain Abel Satan Adam Eve Cain Abel Original order Principled world Order centered on Satan Unprincipled world in a pseudo-form of the Principle
Only the realm of Satan’s dominion exists in reality, and the dominator was Satan. Yet, to dominate this world was not easy even for Satan. Reason: - Human conscience, never listens to the voice of Satan. - Mutual relations in the realm of Satan’s dominion are the relationships of enemies to each other.
b. Restoration of Elder Sonship The “Foundation of Faith” is to let Abel change his direction by himself. Abel should bring Cain back to God’s side. This is the “Foundation of Substance.” The “Foundation for the Messiah” is the “foundation to restore the elder sonship of Abel.” Original relationship: The elder son, Cain, is closer to God than the second son, Abel. Relationship after the Fall: The second son, Abel, is closer to God than the first son, Cain.
God Abel Cain Satan Adam Eve Cain Abel restoraton of Elder sonship
If Satan loses the elder sonship, next he also loses the parentship and the kingship; therefore he tries desperately to keep his elder sonship. Therefore Cain persecutes Abel and tries to kill him if possible. Only true love, sacrificial love, makes it possible to restore the elder sonship.
Excerpts from Father’s words in “Abel’s Right Path from the Providential Point of View”: “To let Satan surrender I should be superior to Satan. To be superior to Satan I should have something which Satan does not have, and should do something which Satan cannot do. Satan has everything and stands in the position of being able to do everything. Something Satan does not have is true love, something Satan cannot do is self- denial and self-sacrifice.
“Therefore, if I deny myself, sacrifice myself and live for the sake of others, especially for the sake of my enemies centering on true love, Satan has no way but to surrender. If Satan denies himself, sacrifices himself and lives for the sake of others, then from that moment, Satan cannot be Satan any more, because Satan’s original nature is selfishness.
“Satan’s original nature is selfishness; therefore as long as Satan is Satan, Satan cannot deny himself, cannot live for the sake of others’ happiness, and can never live for the sake of his enemies.
“Therefore Satan has no other way but to surrender in front of the person who denies himself, sacrifices himself, lives and dies for the sake of others. Moreover he cannot but surrender with his heart being moved. Teacher discovered this and carried this out in my life, and on this foundation we are meeting in today’s circumstance. If you also go this way which Teacher walked, surely you can gain victory.”
Persecution is God’s second strategy to transfer the right of ownership from the persecutors to the persons who are persecuted. The course of indemnity is the course to cross over, while being beaten, not the course to avoid.
c. Restoration of Parentship (1) Restoration of Eve (a) Restored Eve “Restored Eve” means Eve who has returned to the realm of God’s dominion.
God Abel Cain Satan Adam Eve Cain Abel Eve ( ) True Adam Messiah substantiation of Satan ( )
(b) Mission of Restored Eve The mission of restored Eve is to cutt off the relationship with Satan, bring about unity of her children, and become one with True Adam embracing the children. They all are born anew and return to God.
(2) Restoration of Parentship When True Adam accomplishes the marriage with his new bride as the representative of restored Eve, True Adam and his bride can stand in the position of True Parents: This is the “restoration of Parentship.”
d.Restoration of Kingship After the restoration of parentship, once they enter the realm of God’s direct dominion, passing the completion stage of the growing period, the heavenly right of dominion over all things is to be granted, that is, the “restoration of kingship”; furthermore they are to accomplish the restoration of the ideal of creation.
Satan Adam Eve Cain AbelCain Abel Eve True Adam (Messiah) God substantiation of Satan useless in the providence of restoration Restoration of Elder sonship Restoration of Parentship Restoration of Kingship ( )
2.Horizontal Application of the Formula of Vertical Restoration Accomplishment of the Ideal of Creation True Parents Realm of God’s DD Restoration of Kingship Restoration of Parentship (3rd Blessing) (2nd Blessing) father mother stepchild true child adopted child servant servant of servants Messiah F/M F/F F/S “ F/M ” Restoration of Elder sonship (1st Blessing) “Restoration of 3Rights” “ Vertical 8stages ” Three Styles of the Formula of Restoration God
cosmos world nation tribe clan family individual Satan cosmos world nation tribe clan family individual AbelCain Adam Satan Victorious Realm of True Parents Realm of direct dominion Realm of Satan’s nonaggression coming of heavenly fortune :elder sonship parentship kingship = Abel Cain Abel Cain
…Day of Settlement of the Eight Stages: (Pal Jeon Shik) Cosmic victory of the restoration of elder sonship …Proclamation of “Heavenly Parentism”: Cosmic victory of the restoration of parentship Proclamation of “God’s Eternal Blessing”: Cosmic victory of the restoration of kingship
True Parents were welcomed by M. Gorbachev. Kim Il Sung, was impressed by the true love of True Parents. Through this the providence of restoration of elder sonship on the cosmic level became substantial. True Mother stood as cosmic-level True Parents together with True Father in the “World Rally for the Inauguration of the WFWP.” Through this the restoration of parentship on the cosmic level also became substantial
Eve should have indemnified her own failure by going the reverse course. Namely, Eve should have cut off her relationships with her father, Satan, and her husband, Adam, practiced a life of consecration with repentance, accomplished “mother-son cooperation,” and brought about the reconciliation of Cain and Abel. B.Historical Application of the Formula of Restoration 1. Eve’s Mission in Adam’s Family
To tell the conclusion, Rebekah could gain victory in the mother-son cooperation regarding Cain and Abel as men, but could not realize the mother- daughter cooperation and failed regarding Cain and Abel as women, that is Leah and Rachel. 2. Rebekah’s Mission in Jacob’s Family
Jacob LeahRachel legal wife Woman in Cain position (Realm of God’s dominion) God concubine Woman in Abel position direction of providence change of direction
The way of unity between Leah and Rachel was closed. The way of restoration of the elder daughtership by Rachel was lost. The providence for unity of women as Cain and Abel in Jacob’s family ended in failure.
Rebekah should have gone to Laban’s wife, and should have taught and persuaded regarding the way Leah ought to surrender to Rachel. She had to appeal to Leah and Laban, together with Laban’s wife. Rebekah was able to bring about the unity of Esau and Jacob as men Cain-Abel, but concerning Leah and Rachel as women Cain-Abel, she was unable to bring about their unity.
a.Tamar’s Story Jacob won the submission of Esau. He accomplished the crossing and reversal of good and evil for the first time in the providence of restoration. But Jacob and Esau were already 40 years old at the starting point of the crossing of good and evil between them. Satan still had to be separated in the period from 0 to 40 years old which was not yet separated. Tamar was the woman who took on such a responsibility. 3. Tamar’s Mission
Abraham Isaac Judah ErOnanShelah (4th son) JudahTamar Zerah Perez elder brother younger brother exchange in mother’s womb Jacob 123
b.Tamar’s Faith Why did Tamar take such an action? Tamar’s action was motivated neither by sexual desire nor an emotional connection with Judah. She engaged in the relationship with her father- in-law to preserve the blood lineage of Judah. The most important issue was Tamar’s motivation of heart – only to please God. She had no concern for her life, honor or position. This was the victorious standard of Tamar’s faith.
4. Mary’s Mission in Jesus’ Course Zechariah ElizabethMary Woman in Cain positionWoman in Abel position legal wife concubine change of direction
Elizabeth indemnified the failure of Leah. Mary’s heart was identical to Tamar’s. Mary could inherit the victorious realm of Tamar and conceive the sinless child of God free from Satan’s accusation. She followed God’s Will, willingly throwing away everything. Elizabeth and Mary, who loved each other like mother and daughter or elder sister and younger sister, became enemies of love centering on one man, Zechariah.
The Messiah is the True Parent; for Jesus to become the True Parent he had to receive his bride. God sister of J/B Eve Adam Jesus J/B sister brother Satan’s wife Jesus’ wife Archangel
Mary lost the heart she once had and became ignorant of God’s Will. Why? In the providence of restoration, Joseph and Mary stood in the position to indemnify the Fall of the Archangel and Eve. Therefore, even though they were married, they should not have had any sexual relationship. Mary opposed the marriage of Jesus with the sister of John the Baptist
She opposed Jesus’ marriage, which was absolutely essential in order for him to fulfill his mission as the Messiah. This action became the most direct cause that Jesus could not become the True Parent through marriage with a new bride, and thus he could not avoid the way of crucifixion.