NPhD Creation Actors, Models, Issues and Questions Pierre BATTEAU EIASM Helsinki Sept 21, 2009
Actors Business & Economic World Doctoral Student Supervisor(s) University Business school Research team/centre Academic Associations International Academic World (other BS & universities) Doctoral Prog. Doctoral School NPhD
MODEL I : Independent or Autonomous Business School l Doct. Prog. MBA Prog. Research Dept Exec.Prog. Departments Doct. Prog. MBA Prog. Research Division Exec.Prog. Departments
MODEL II Business School Within University and Collaboration Doct. Prog.Other Prog. Research Dept Departments University Departments Research Centres Schools &Institutes Business School perimeter University perimeter - The Business School controls its PhD programme but the PhD is granted by the University - Students can chose credits, seminars... anywhere
MODEL III University with Separation Business School - Doctoral Studies University Departments Research Centres & Institutes Professionnel Schools (Possibly Business School) Doctoral Studies - Sciences - Economics - Management - Arts - etc. - Doctoral studies are loosely related to professional schools or business school when they exist. Students are attached to a university department or school but compose a menu of course among the many courses of the university.
Example : The French Model ( Leaders : the "sciences") Business School Accredited Research Units -Sciences -Economics -Management - Arts - Social Science - Law University Research Division (Research Budget) Accredited Doctoral Schools - Economics-Management - Chemistry - Physics - Life Sciences - Earth Sciences - Mathematics -Language & Cognition - Arts, Culture, Society - Sport - Law DOCTORAL COLLEGIUM
Business school (iae-aix) Management and Institutions Research Centre Departements of Economics and Management Institute of public management Logistics Research Centre Centre of Econometrics & Quant Economics Lab. of Sociology and Human ressources" International Economic and Financial Development DOCTORAL SCHOOL IN ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT (350 Doct) Doctoral Students TEACHING PhD RESEARCH Aix-Marseille's Model Health Economics
Hybrid Model HEC Doctoral Programme Accredited Research Unit IAE Paris Doctoral Programme Accredited Research Unit Engineering School ENSAM Doctoral Programme Accredited Research Unit Doctoral School U. Paris 1 (Sorbonne)
Issues and Questions - International Mobility (pre and postdoc) Which level to consider for agreement ? Doctoral Programmes or Business schools or Research centres or Universities (in my Aix- Marseille case, Doctoral Collegium) ? - Funding Who is in charge ? Where are the sources ? - Accreditation Whom to accredit ? - Training supervisors Contracting with whom ? Who is the Target ? - Placement : Academic and/or Professional Role of a network - Role of academic organisations (they are networks...) - Interdisciplinarity required
Research Questions What are the determinants for each model ? - Being within a university or not (dictatorship "sciences" ?) - Research Philosophy - DBA or PhD - Size - Job Market (e.g. Stern Business School financedept does not hire Finance PhDs from B.S. but rather PhDs in Economics, Econometrics and Mathematics!) - Country factor
Conclusion - A PhD network architecture has to be designed taking into account the variability shown. - It must be flexible, versatile, open enough to accomodate different models of doctoral education in management. - Discussion with EUA is important for this purpose.