Aki Rasinen WP 3 report Elementary school (ages 6-12) UPDATE-meeting Aix -Marseille 22nd to 23rd May, 2008
Aki Rasinen
Partners University of Jyväskylä, Finland University of Glasgow, Scotland IUFM, Aix-Marseille, France University of Koblenz, Germany University of Education, Austria IRRE MARCHE, Italy
Aki Rasinen Objectives Curriculum analysis30th June, 2008 Questionnaires & interviews 30th June, 2008 Curriculum development & pedagogical practices 31st December, 2009 Teacher education & Piloting 31st December, 2009
Aki Rasinen Background General framework Jyväskylä Specified framework Aix-Marseille Focusing Vienna Questionnaire Glasgow Modifications all partners Framework for Curriculum Analyses Jyväskylä
Aki Rasinen Technology education curriculum analysis and description: Suggestions for a common framework The French UPDATE team Pascale, Colette, Marjolaine, Pierre IUFM d’Aix-Marseille, France UPDATE WP 2, 3, 4. Characteristics of the school system Characteristics of the general curriculum Position and status of technology education in the curriculum Aims of technology education Pedagogical means and methods for technology education Main themes and structure of curriculum content Characteristics of the teachers in charge of technology education
Aki Rasinen Framework for Curriculum Analyses
Aki Rasinen Achieved/underway curriculum analyses questionnaire => different approaches (For instance Koblenz 400 pupils, Vienna 200 pupils, Jyväskylä two classes…) pedagogical practices through teacher education and teaching practice
Aki Rasinen To be done curriculum development teacher education piloting good practices combining the results of different countries?
Aki Rasinen An example of good practices by class teacher students, department of teacher education, University of Jyväskylä