7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities – Marseille, France 17-18 Oct. 2013 Sibiu – European Capital.


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Presentation transcript:

7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities – Marseille, France Oct Sibiu – European Capital of Culture: Best Practices for Promoting Multiculturalism. Case Study – Erasmus Program

7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities – Marseille, France Oct “Learning to live together” (UNESCO theme) Irina Bokova – Director General of UNESCO “are more connected than ever, but misunderstandings remain deep between societies and within them. Values, traditions, customs and cultural expressions have moved to the forefront of national politics and international relations. Youth are ever more engaged in civic life and they are calling or intergenerational dialogue to have a full say over their future. Cultural diversity is a reality for most countries …” (Vienna, Austria, 31 May – 1 June 2012) “People are more connected than ever, but misunderstandings remain deep between societies and within them. Values, traditions, customs and cultural expressions have moved to the forefront of national politics and international relations. Youth are ever more engaged in civic life and they are calling or intergenerational dialogue to have a full say over their future. Cultural diversity is a reality for most countries …” (Vienna, Austria, 31 May – 1 June 2012)

7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities – Marseille, France Oct Irina Bokova – Director General of UNESCO “ Literacy is a basic right and an essential motor for human development. It is the first condition for dialogue, communication and integration into new connected societies. Young people need new skills to enter and succeed in the job market: knowledge of several languages, understanding of cultural diversity, lifelong learning. “ (8 Sept. 2013) “ Literacy is a basic right and an essential motor for human development. It is the first condition for dialogue, communication and integration into new connected societies. Young people need new skills to enter and succeed in the job market: knowledge of several languages, understanding of cultural diversity, lifelong learning. “ (8 Sept. 2013) “ Cultural diversity – as a wellspring of creativity, dynamism and sustainability.” (21 May 2013)

7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities – Marseille, France Oct Androulla Vasilliou: European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth “Education, and in particular higher education, has a growing international dimension. The type of dialogue we are having today has become a necessity since we all share common challenges in a rapidly changing world. Erasmus+ will have a strong international component, aiming to attract the brightest global talent to Europe…” (13 Sept. 2013, launching Erasmus+). “Education, and in particular higher education, has a growing international dimension. The type of dialogue we are having today has become a necessity since we all share common challenges in a rapidly changing world. Erasmus+ will have a strong international component, aiming to attract the brightest global talent to Europe…” (13 Sept. 2013, launching Erasmus+).

7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities – Marseille, France Oct Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions - Paris, 20 Oct “celebrating the importance of cultural diversity for the full realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms […] emphasizing the need to incorporate culture as a strategic element in the national and international development policies as well as in international development cooperation.” the importance of culture for social cohesion the importance of culture for social cohesion linguistic diversity is a fundamental element of cultural diversity linguistic diversity is a fundamental element of cultural diversity the vital role of cultural interaction and creativity the vital role of cultural interaction and creativity

7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities – Marseille, France Oct Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu – Romania Highlights: Sibiu – European Capital of Culture (2007) and the first city in Romania to hold such a title Sibiu – European Capital of Culture (2007) and the first city in Romania to hold such a title LBUS – the first University to host a UNEECC Conference (2007); topic: Town and Gown; LBUS – the first University to host a UNEECC Conference (2007); topic: Town and Gown; Sibiu – rich in cultural diversity and a long history of multicultural tradition: education in German ( ), Hungarian ( ), Romanian ( ; s; 1990-to date) languages Sibiu – rich in cultural diversity and a long history of multicultural tradition: education in German ( ), Hungarian ( ), Romanian ( ; s; 1990-to date) languages  Current internationalization strategy of LBUS

7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities – Marseille, France Oct Sibiu - multicultural encounters in an urban environment LBUS is an active member in U-multirank project LBUS is an active member in U-multirank project Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows ERASMUS – LBUS gives great importance to student and staff mobility and undertakes a great variety of activities designed to improve curricula and introduce new topics and courses through transnational collaboration between universities. ERASMUS – LBUS gives great importance to student and staff mobility and undertakes a great variety of activities designed to improve curricula and introduce new topics and courses through transnational collaboration between universities. The first Confucius Institute in Romania set up at LBUS in 2007 The first Confucius Institute in Romania set up at LBUS in 2007 Latin American Cultural Centre – opened in 2011 Latin American Cultural Centre – opened in 2011 UNESCO Chair in Quality Management of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning at LBUS UNESCO Chair in Quality Management of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning at LBUS

7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities – Marseille, France Oct ERASMUS at LBUS – cultural events and workshops: Intensive Romanian Language Course Intensive Romanian Language Course International folklore and contemporary dance choreography workshop International folklore and contemporary dance choreography workshop International painting workshop International painting workshop Student Gala (commencement of academic year) Student Gala (commencement of academic year) Romanian Christmas Romanian Christmas Games night Games night March 1 prom March 1 prom

7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities – Marseille, France Oct ERASMUS at LBUS – cultural events and workshops: Cultural excursions to Paltinis Cultural excursions to Paltinis Erasmus Day celebration (17 May2012) Erasmus Day celebration (17 May2012) Library Night – Treasure Hunt Library Night – Treasure Hunt International Student Day (17 Nov. 2012) International Student Day (17 Nov. 2012) Sibiu Dancing Days (24-25 Nov. 2012) Sibiu Dancing Days (24-25 Nov. 2012) International celebration of Romanian National Day (2 Nov. 2012) International celebration of Romanian National Day (2 Nov. 2012)

7 th UNeECC Interdisciplinary Conference: Cultural Encounters. The Mosaic of Urban Identities THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Dr. Daniela Preda Dr. Eva-Nicoleta Burdusel Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania