Update on the Internet Research Task Force Aaron Falk IRTF Chair IETF-76 – Hiroshima
IRTF Meetings Four Research Groups (RGs) are meeting this week –Host Identity Payload RG –Scalable, Adaptive Multicast RG –Delay Tolerant Networking RG –Routing RG Reviewed the RRG with the IAB IETF Hiroshima
IRTF RFCs 0 IRTF RFCs published since last IETF –6 docs waiting Publication is wedged on finalizing IETF Trust License –Expected around end of the year draft-irtf-rfcs-05.txt revised, now in RFC-Editor queue –Consistent with Independent Stream publication rights language ( draft-braden-independent-submission- 02.txt ) IETF Hiroshima
New Work Network virtualization –Bar BoF tonight, 1730 – 1930, Castleview 1 –Discussing a draft RG charter Internet of Things/Smart Objects –Some interest in an RG, perhaps around architecture –Will be careful about not interfering with SmartGrid work (if any) IETF Hiroshima
A brief introduction to a couple of research groups…
Anti-Spam Research Group
What is the ASRG? Open membership for anti-spam research Look at open problems Perhaps suggest areas for standards People: some industry, some academic, many independent IETF Hiroshima
What isn't the ASRG? Not a working group (see DKIM) Not a trade group (see MAAWG, ESPC) Not a conference series (see CEAS, Usenix,...) IETF Hiroshima
Successes to date RFC on details of DNS black/whitelists –In RFC Ed queue Draft on blacklist management –Authors waiting to see if prior RFC ever gets published IETF Hiroshima
Limited successes to date Taxonomy of anti-spam techniques –Slow progress via wiki Taxonomy of spamming techniques –Slower progress via wiki IETF Hiroshima
Why not more active? Researchers more aimed at publishing Very hard problems –e.g., try to compare two spam filters Useful to describe “folklore” –Much is widely used, poorly documented Mailing list –Free consulting on anti-spam techniques, avoids many reinvented wheels IETF Hiroshima
Scalable, Adaptive Multicast Research Group
Scalable Adaptive Multicast (SAM) RG Problem Space –ALM that uses native multicast where available –Unified multicast over diverse networks –Group membership management Chairs –John Buford and Thomas Schmidt Communities represented in SAM RG –ALM in P2P overlays –XCAST –Native multicast –Streaming in mobile networks –Applications Interim meetings to foster collaboration with research community Native Multicast Overlay/ALM AMT Network ALM Hybrid IETF Hiroshima
Hybrid Multicast Framework & Overlay Protocol Framework Example hybrid tree using native multicast (N), overlay layer multicast (A), and AMT draft-irtf-sam-hybrid-overlay- framework-02 Protocol Example message types for Tree Lifecycle: –Create Tree –Join –Join Via AMT Gateway –JoinWithNativeLink draft-buford-irtf-sam-overlay-protocol- 01 IETF Hiroshima
Common Access to Hybrid Multicast Overall objective: pave the way for a universal multicast use by applications and thus facilitate deployment Approach: Define a common access technology to hybrid multicast at end systems by –A common API MCast programming with namespace support –Middleware that ensures mcast activation and namespace mapping at end systems & gateways draft-waehlisch-sam-common-api-01 draft-lim-irtf-sam-alm-api-00.txt
Future Work: SAM Simulation Environment TCP UDP IP ICMP OSPFv2 ARP Ethernet MAC Network Topology OMNet++ INET OverSIm Needed for SAM: IGMPv3 MLDv2 AMT - underway PIM - incomplete XCAST - Done Various structured overlays (Chord, Kademlia, Pastry, …) “Simple” Topology and more realistic topologies ALM P2P-SIP Needed for SAM: Coupling of ALM with Native layer inet.omnetpp.org IETF Hiroshima
Future Work: Hybrid Multicast Testbed Sites support overlay multicast in WAN and local native multicast Purpose: study SAM RG protocols May integrate with several other testbeds: GENI, G-LAB, … Hybrid Multicast Testbed Initial Sites Node Components IETF Hiroshima
IETF Hiroshima