A Study of Galatians & Philippians Spring 2013. Philippians Chapter 2 & 3.


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Presentation transcript:

A Study of Galatians & Philippians Spring 2013

Philippians Chapter 2 & 3

Chapter 2 Lights in the World Obey whether Paul is with them or not Work out your own salvation – Fear and trembling God works in you – For His good pleasure No complaining – Times are tough Shine as lights in the world of darkness Persevere – Paul’s pride that his work was successful

Chapter 2 Timothy & Epaphroditus Timothy – He hopes to send Timothy soon and looks forward to a good report back from him Timothy – “No one like him” – Genuinely concerned for their welfare – Paul’s son Paul hopes to visit them again

Chapter 2 Timothy & Epaphroditus Epaproditus – The messenger of the Philippians – Paul’s brother, fellow worker, fellow soldier, minister to Paul’s needs He has been missing you He has been very sick – Deathly ill – Risked his life to serve Paul on behalf of all of them

Chapter 3 Rejoice in the Lord! – It bears repeating 1:4, 18, 25; 2:2, 17, 28, 29 – It is safe for you Beware of: – Dogs – Evildoers – Those who mutilate the flesh False circumcision

Chapter 3 True Circumcision – Those who worship God in Spirit – Put no confidence in the flesh John 4:24 Paul’s credentials – He meets and surpasses all others in fleshly terms – He sees those things as garbage (worthless) What matters is knowing Christ – The power of His resurrection – Sharing in His suffering – Becoming like Him in His death – In order to attain the resurrection from the dead

Chapter 3 Pressing on to the goal – He hasn’t made it yet – He doesn’t accomplish it on his own – Paul’s workout plan Forget what is behind Presses on to what is ahead In order to reach the goal (prize): the upward call of God in Christ Jesus

Chapter 3 Join me! – The others won’t because: They are enemies of the cross Their end (prize) is destruction Their god is their belly (self) Their glory is shame Their minds are set on earthly matters – Our citizenship is in heaven We wait for the Savior Our lowly (earthly) bodies will be transformed into glorious (spiritual) bodies—like His All things are subjected to Him

Chapter 4 STAND FIRM!