Susan Cartwright IDM2000 ANTARES : vStatus u site evaluation u demonstrator u detector design vProspects u physics aims u neutralino detection status and.


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Presentation transcript:

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 ANTARES : vStatus u site evaluation u demonstrator u detector design vProspects u physics aims u neutralino detection status and prospects

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 ANTARES Collaboration vFrance u CPPM Marseille u DSM/DAPNIA Saclay (CEA) u IReS Strasbourg u Universite d’Haute-Alsace Mulhouse u Centre d’Oceanologie de Marseille u Institut Francais de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) u INSU-CNRS/IGRAP Provence vSpain u IFIC Valencia vNetherlands u NIKHEF Amsterdam vUnited Kingdom u University of Birmingham u University of Oxford u University of Sheffield vRussia u ITEP Moscow vItaly u Universita di Bari u Universita di Bologna u Universita di Catania u LNS-Catania u Universita di Roma u Universita di Genova

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Principles neutrinos from astrophysical sources neutralino annihilation cosmic ray interactions detected and reconstructed via Cerenkov radiation from produced muon

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Site 30 km off Toulon Depth 2400 m sky coverage 3.6π sr overlap with AMANDA 0.6π sr

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Site evaluation uncorrelated on scales of ~20 m Background rates bioluminescence 40 K Biofouling and sedimentation transmission losses <1.5%/year Water transparency at 466 nm absorption length 60 m scattering length >100 m

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Demonstrator string vPart-instrumented line deployed November 1999 – June 2000 u deployment site 40 km from Marseille at 1100 m u six 8”, one 10” hemispherical phototubes u also CTD, tiltmeters, acoustic positioning system, etc. u read out via 37 km electro-optical cable u over fold coincidences (downgoing muons) recorded

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Demonstrator string positioning 2 cm vcompass data indicate no twist, heading stable to 2° over 1 week vtiltmeter shows tilt stable to 0.2° vstraight string inclined at 2.5° to vertical  Rangemeter–transponder distances have  typically 5 cm or less v12 distances, global fit compared to tiltmeter data

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Demonstrator string events hyperbolic fit hits tagged as 40 K by reconstruction software c x time height above seafloor

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Demonstrator string results vangular distribution of observed tracks in good agreement with MC vtiming residuals small and consistent with MC ± 5 ns

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Detector design Optical Modules Electronics Container Calibration Beacon Hydrophone Umbilical Cable 450 m 12 m Junction Box power in, signal out via 40 km cable 13 strings, 30 storeys/string, 3 OM/storey; first 100 m uninstrumented 60 m

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Angular resolution v~0.4° at high energies vdominated by intrinsic muon/neutrino angle at low energies

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Energy resolution vmuon energy estimated at high energy by catastrophic energy loss (resolution ~factor 3 above 1 TeV) vat low energy (< 100 GeV) use muon range in contained events E true – E rec E true

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Physics Aims vneutrino oscillations u via modification of shape of energy spectrum vneutrinos from neutralino self-annihilation u in regions of high neutralino number density vastrophysical sources u AGN, gamma-ray bursts, supernova remnants energy PsPs 

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Neutralino sources vcores of Earth and Sun should accumulate neutralinos by capture through scattering vif Galactic dark matter density distribution has cusp, Sgr A* BH will induce sharp central spike  in either case, neutrinos produced via decay of W, Z, heavy quarks,  neutdriver

Susan Cartwright IDM2000 Timescale v1996–2000 u deployment of ~30 autonomous test strings for site evaluation u test of electro-optical cable connection u verification of mechanical structures and deployment technique u demonstrator string: test of mechanical issues, acoustic positioning, tracking v2000–2003 u final design phase for 0.1 km 2 detector u deployment of first string summer 2001 u deployment of 0.1 km 2 array in two stages, summer 2002 and 2003