ProLog PROgramming in LOGic
Description of Prolog Prolog stands for PROgramming in LOGic. It is a nonprocedural and declarative language.
When was the language first designed or implemented? in 1970
What were the goals and purpose of this language? Prolog was originally used for natural language processing. Currently, Prolog is most commonly used in creating "intelligent" databases but is not limited to just that. It is also widely used in natural language processing, in expert systems, in commercial applications, and in some facets education.
What kind of problem domain was it intended for? 1.For solving logic and decision problems,Prolog is ideal. 2.Typical applications: AI, Database apps, proving theorems, symbolic evaluation (i.e. differentiation).
Who were the envisioned users? artificial intelligence.
Who designed the language (maybe one person, a group, an organization)? This language first desinged or implemented in 1970 by Alain Colmerauer and Phillippe Roussel in the Artificial Intelligence Group at the University of Aix-Marseille with Robert Kowalski of the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh developed the fundamental design of Prolog.
Alain Colmerauer Robert Kowalski
What are some main features or distinctive features of the language? Prolog has a declarative semantics that the basic concept of this semantics is that there is a simple way to determine the meaning of each statement, and it does not depend how the statement might be used to solve a problem. -In Data and control structures Domains were easy to understand. -Cost and Reliability Many free compilers available.
What contribution(s) did the language make to the field of computer languages? Prolog make We found ‘thinking logically’ odd at times. Prolog’s facts and rules seemed strangely minimal for solving problems. Prolog doesn’t have strict type checking, however our compiler did have some loose rules in place. (May cause headaches for maintenance)
How widely is the language used today? Prolog is the most widely used in logic programming language. there are two causes why prolog has not become more widely 1.with some nonimperative approaches Prolog has proven to be highly inefficient. 2.Prolog is an effective approach for only a few relatively small area of application.
Useful Applications some of database management system and some areas of AI.
Arithmetic in Prolog Prolog provides built in functions for doing arithmetic, similar to most major languages. Provides built in random number generator. Integers and reals have standard operations defined (*,/,+,-) In-fix notation is used
Arithmetic conts Order of operations (for all types): 1. Parentheses 2. Left to right *, /, div, mod 3. Left to right +, -
Relational operations return succeed or fail Symbol Relation Symbol Relation < Less than< Less than >Greater than>Greater than >=Greater or equal>=Greater or equal =<Less than or equal=<Less than or equal <> Or > Or ><Not equal
Example % multiple of numbers multiple(Total):- write('Input a number: '), read(X), <<<<read the input and store in X write('Input a number: '), read(Y), <<<<read the input and store in Y Total is X * Y, write('multiple is '), write(Total).<< print the result.