AO for ELT – Paris, June 2009 MAORY Multi conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY for the E-ELT Emiliano Diolaiti (INAF–Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna) On behalf of the MAORY Consortium INAF + University of Bologna ONERA ESO
AO for ELT – Paris, June Concept Corrected field of view –Central 53"x53" unvignetted for MICADO –Outer field Ø=160" for Natural Guide Star search and other instruments Wavefront sensing –6 Sodium Laser Guide Stars for high-order wavefront measurement –3 Natural Guide Stars for low-order and windshake measurement –1 Natural Guide Star used as high-order reference WFS Wavefront correction –Telescope M4 + M5 –2 post-focal deformable mirrors –Simplified option with 1 post-focal DM and reduced outer field under study
AO for ELT – Paris, June Two ports 1) gravity invariant w/ field derotation 2) vertical w/o field derotation Preliminary bench size: 6335 mm 6755 mm Preliminary mass estimate: 13 t See poster by Italo Foppiani
AO for ELT – Paris, June Optical design M7 R = 10 m K = D = 1 m M9 R = 9.8 m K = D = 1.1 m M11 R = 9,.8 m K = D = 0.9 m M13 R = 10 m K = D = 0.9 m M13 R = 10 m K = D = 0.9 m M8 D = 370 ~45 act/D M10 Flat D = 0.9 m M12 D = 414 mm ~52 act./D Field Ø160" WFE 25 nm Distortion < 0.1% Field curvature R = 1.3m To LGS channel
AO for ELT – Paris, June LGS optics and aberrations Dichroic L1 D = 800 mm L2 D = 700 mm L3 D = 580 mm L4 D = 460 mm 200 km80 km 350 mm Design features –All lenses made of BK7, spherical surfaces (with wedge) –Output focus F/5, telecentric Image quality –LGS spot FWHM 0.17 arcsec (LGS image through atmosphere 1.5 arcsec) –RMS WFE 2.6 (average for 6 LGS) SH WFS slope offset 0.5 arcsec Solutions to LGS aberrations –Correcting optics (likely not static) in each LGS probe –Handled as slope offset Pupil stabilization and jitter control to be implemented in each LGS probe
AO for ELT – Paris, June Thermal emission Telescope emissivity = 10% Sky brightness K = 13 mag/arcsec 2 Emissivity of MAORY optics = 1% per surface (left) or 2% per surface (right) No cooling for T < 30 CNo cooling for T < 16 C Requirement on thermal emission < 50% (telescope + K Requirement seems to be fulfilled at ambient temperature Paranal average temperature year 2003 (highest average ): T = (13.1 2.6) C (from
AO for ELT – Paris, June Pupil rotations Baseline –LGS fixed wrt telescope –Post-focal DMs derotated by 60° ( 30°) –LGS WFS probes derotated by 60° ( 30°) How do things move in this scheme? –All DMs (M4 and post-focal) appear fixed wrt LGS WFS –Pupil rotates wrt post-focal NGS WFS at maximum speed ~15/s for a Zenith angle of 1°. Reconstruction matrix of low order modal loop to be updated every 10s –High order loop reconstruction matrix (25GB of data) must be updated every 140s (LGS footprint variation) Alternatives –Post-focal DMs cannot be derotated reconstruction matrix to be updated every 35s –LGS fixed wrt sky reconstruction matrix to be updated every 0.5s
AO for ELT – Paris, June LGS Wavefront Sensor 0.75 "/pixel 1.0 "/pixel 1.5 "/pixel Weighted Center of Gravity Photons / subap = 500, RON = 3 Subaperture FoV = 15" 15" 0.75 "/pixel 1.0 "/pixel 1.5 "/pixel Non linearity WCoG vs. Quad-cell Evaluation of algorithms performance for SH WFS –WFS noise –Impact of Sodium profile –LGS aberrations Alternative WFS –Pyramid (smaller detectors) –Dynamic refocus (by segmented mirrors on sub-pupils?) Poster by Matteo Lombini
AO for ELT – Paris, June Focus reconstruction scheme Sodium focus sequence on 42 m aperture Requires NGS reference 6 LGS measure atmospheric + Sodium focus Used to “predict” focus in direction of NGS Comparison of predicted NGS focus with actual focus gives Sodium term F(θ 1 ) + Na F(θ 2 ) + Na F(θ 3 ) + Na F(θ 4 ) + Na F(θ 5 ) + Na F(θ 6 ) + Na F(θ)
AO for ELT – Paris, June NGS Wavefront Sensor Target WFE = 100 nm (3 NGS) 4 mas residual jitter per NGS NGS measured in IR benefit from high-order loop correction Baseline H band Windshake is the most challenging issue for tip-tilt. After feedback on telescope main axes a residual jitter ~0.3 RMS is expected. Making use of a predictive control filter (like Kalman) it may be drastically reduced exploiting its high temporal correlation (low frequency components) 4-5 mas/pixel, 1" 1" FoV at least 256 256 pixels detector required. This is 2 the foreseen high speed IR sensor by Teledyne (128 128, 5e - J. Beletic, SPIE 2008 Marseille) T = 5 ms
AO for ELT – Paris, June MCAO tomography WFS1WFS2WFS3 More details by Jean-Marc Conan and Clélia Robert Tomography performed by –6 LGS, launched from M1 edge, kept fixed with telescope to relax requirements on RTC. LGS FoV = 2' –3 NGS for low-orders reconstruction Star oriented architecture
AO for ELT – Paris, June Error sources ItemRMS WFE MCAO (High order)255 nm Generalized fitting + tomography232 nm LGS WFS noise77 nm Generalized aliasing41 nm Temporal error60 nm NGS WFS100 nm NGS WFS noise and time delay100 nm Implementation errors140 nm Optics (including non-common path errors) Deformable mirrors AO control Sodium layer Atmosphere TOTAL308 nm Current PSF estimates include MCAO error budget Other error sources included in Strehl Ratio and Encircled Energy End-to-end simulations ready soon Estimated by “Fourier” code + cone effect degradation factor Input to NGS WFS design and sky coverage estimation Top level allocations More details on simulations by Cyril Petit
AO for ELT – Paris, June Strehl Ratio NGS search field
AO for ELT – Paris, June Encircled Energy (0.8" seeing) 500 mas 200 mas 75 mas 50 mas
AO for ELT – Paris, June Performance & Sky coverage µm Strehl Ratio % K s (2.16 µm) H (1.65 µm) J (1.215 µm) Y (1.021 µm) I (0.9 µm) 0.8" " Nominal average performance over MICADO field of view (53" 53") µm Minimum field-averaged Strehl RatioProbability K s (2.16 µm) H (1.65 µm) J (1.215 µm) Y (1.021 µm) I (0.9 µm) 0.8" % % % 0.6" % % % Sky coverage at North Galactic Pole (L 0 = 25m, windshake included) 3 NGS (2 Tip-Tilt, 1 Tip-Tilt & Focus) measured at H band, NGS search field Ø = 2.5‘ Sky cov. estimated by Monte Carlo simulations of asterisms based on TRILEGAL code
AO for ELT – Paris, June PSF modeling for scientific analysis AiryHexagonal MoffatMoffat Simulated PSF DIFFRACTIONFITTING ERRORS, UNSEEN MODESSEEING Model components PSF model Strehl Ratio 0.6 Image size = 2.7"
AO for ELT – Paris, June Acknlowledgment The activities outlined in this talk were partially funded by the European Community under the following grants: –Framework Programme 6, ELT Design Study, contract No –Framework Programme 7, Preparing for the Construction of the European Extremely Large Telescope, contract No INFRA