北航中法工程师学院 Ecole Centrale de Pékin November 2008 March 2009
Partnership BeiHang University : - Created Top 10 in China students (3 000 in 1rst year) full time teachers - Budget 200 M Euros alumni Ecoles Centrales : - 5 institutions (Lille1872, Lyon 1857, Nantes 1919, Paris 1829, Marseille 2006) - Top 15 in France (first=2; last=15) students full time teachers – part time - Budget 100 M Euros alumni
To combine the Chinese end French ways of training engineers, in order to produce top-level bicultural engineers, able to become managers of technology, scientific experts, top level industry executives… To give a multidisciplinary education, devised to tackle the problems society has to face, open to research. Our keywords : Our Objectives EducationResearchCompaniesInternational
In each discipline, teaching is given partly in French by French professors, partly in Chinese by Chinese professors Engineering subjects will be widely taught by international Engineers Project and team working are favoured Curriculum includes social and human sciences Research is developed through cooperation between BeiHang and Ecoles Centrales in France Graduates should be able to work in French, in English and, of course, in Chinese. Basic Principles
Three Degrees for successful students Beihang’s Bachelor’s degree « Diplôme d’ingénieur de l’Ecole Centrale de Pékin », approved by the French Ministry of Education Beihang’s Master degree
Common core 通用 2 Years Major 专业 + training 实习 1year Common core 通用 2 Years Major 专业 + training 实习 1year Common core 通用 2 Years Major 专业 + training 实习 1year Common core 通用 2 Years Major 专业 + training 实习 1year Centrale Engineer & Master degree ( 硕士 ) Professional life or PhD( 博士 ) GaoKao - 高考 Centrale PEKIN Engineer + BeiHang Master degree (硕士) EC in FranceECPk Bac 预科 ( 数学, 物理, 法语 ) 2 年 预科 ( 数学, 物理, 法语 ) 2 年 Bachelor 本科 4 年 Bachelor 本科 4 年 Master 2 年 Master 2 年 BeiHang 5 年 6 年 法语 - 1 年 预科 ( 数学, 物理, 法语 ) 2 年 法语 - 1 年 预科 ( 数学, 物理, 法语 ) 2 年 BeiHang Master degree (硕士) Competitive exam
Current situation ECPk started in september 2005 Today, 5 classes of students, 577 as a whole A top level recruitment, among the best students in China The two grades’ students have entered the « engineer cycle » and will graduate in 2011 and 2012.