1- There was a SIN PROBLEM (Genesis 2:17).. 2- Man deserved DEATH (Genesis 2:17).


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Presentation transcript:

1- There was a SIN PROBLEM (Genesis 2:17).

2- Man deserved DEATH (Genesis 2:17).

3-Adam and Eve tried to COVER THEMSELVES, but this covering was not acceptable. Their attempt to cover their sin and shame failed (Genesis 3:7).

4-There was an INNOCENT VICTIM. The animal did not disobey (Genesis 3:21).

5-GOD CLOTHED THE GUILTY ONES with an acceptable covering (Genesis 3:21).

6-There was the DEATH OF THE Substitute(the death of the innocent ). See Genesis 3:21.

7-Our sins require DEATH as punishment! Because of God’s MERCY, Jesus offered His sinless life as the substitute for ours.(Matt. 20:28)

8-The shedding of blood was required for us to have forgiveness of sins. He washes our sins away by His own BLOOD. (Heb. 9:22)

9-His death for our sins satisfied God's requirement for our punishment. (I Cor. 15:22.)

Jesus suffered on the cross. The cross today reminds you of His suffering for us.

The cross is our "Ticket to heaven"!

Only the cross way can lead us to home (heaven)

To the Unsaved Person the Cross is foolishness What Does the Cross Mean to a not Christian Person? Those that are unsaved do not appreciate the cross. They are spiritually blind. Only the Spirit of God can open the eyes of those who are spiritually blind.

Some try good works! Some try keeping the law! Others try loving their neighbors! Some try to be religious! …………….. None of these bridges work. There is nothing that man can do to bridge the gulf. God had to do something to bridge the gulf : Can a very good person but not Christian go to Heaven?

The way of the cross is the only way to get to God (see John 14:6). If we could get to God any other way (if any other bridges could work), then why did Christ have to die? Only one way

Can God save us by any other way other then suffering and killing? Can a holy, righteous God, the Judge of all the universe ignore sin and pretend it is not there? and not punish those who have sinned and done wrong? Only The cross made this possible. Because of the SAVIOUR, the SUBSTITUTE, and the SACRIFICE, I can become a saved person! Instead of judging me, God can forgive me because He already judged His Son when Christ died on the cross for my sins.

What Does the Cross Mean to a Saved Person? The Cross Reveals the Wisdom and Power of God I see in the cross God’s power to die for me so that I can have eternal life. I can see in the cross God’s wisdom that made this wonderful plan of salvation that makes it possible for a holy God to save a sinful man.

THE CROSS SHOWS God’s power and Humility God’s wisdom God’s caring AND FORGIVENESS God’s love

1-The Cross Can Teach Me How to Love. Did God just SAY that He loves us or did He SHOW that He loves us?

2- The Cross can teach me and give me a lesson on how to love and pray for my enemies ‘’Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do’’.(Luke23:34) Jesus asked His Father to forgive those who put Him on the cross? like Jesus, we should be forgiving towards others

3-The Cross Should Teach Me to Hate Sin God hated sin so much that He had to deal severely with it. God had to judge sin, and God had to severely punish the sinner’s Substitute, the Lord Jesus Christ

4-The Cross is the Good News I Can Share with Others. We need to explain what Christ did for us and why His death is so important. And that the cross is God’s only way to salvation. He gave his life so we can live.

Saint Helena was almost 80, when, in 327 she made her trip to the Holy Land ( Jerusalem). Helena ordered the digging and they found 3 crosses!!! Can any one tell me how they can know which one is Jesus cross ?

We are the Servants of Jesus of Nazareth, who was Crucified Miracles

Saint Barsoom the Naked

This week verse