Status of Spin Physics and Experiments Erhard Steffens University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Chair, International Committee for Spin Physics Symposia I. Tasks („Mission“) of our Community II. Spin Symposia and Workshops III. Where do we stand? IV. Prospects and Outlook
E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Welcome to PSTP’11 ! PSTP‘11 is organized by Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute and National Research University sponsored by the International Spin Physics Committee (ISPC) Members, International Committee for Spin Physics Symposia E. Steffens – Erlangen (Chair)T. Roser – BNL (Past-Chair) R. G. Milner – MIT (Chair-Elect)M. Anselmino – Torino A.S. Belov – INR MoscowA.V. Efremov – Dubna Hyan Gao – DukeK.I. Imai – Kyoto A.D. Krisch – MichiganP. Lenisa – Ferrara G. Mallot – CERNM. Poelker – JLab R. Prepost – MadisonN. Saito – KEK H. Sakai – TokyoE.J. Stephenson – IUCF H. Stroeher – JülichE.N. Tyurin – IHEP Honorary Members F. Bradamante – TriesteE.D. Courant – BNL D.G. Crabb – Virginia G. Fidecaro – CERN W. Haeberli – Wisconsin A. Masaike – Kyoto C.Y. Prescott – Stanford V. Soergel – Heidelberg W.T.H. van Oers - Manitoba
E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Mission of our Community ‚Spin‘ or ‚Polarization‘ experiments require special techniques like polarized beams and/or targets, which are not routinely available. Such techniques were first discussed at special symposia, later in addition at topical or regular workshops. The first symposium of this kind at Basel in 1960 (51 years ago!) was organized shortly after the first polarized ion source – for deuterons – was running. These meetings serve to o spread the Know-how of our special techniques („Spin Tools“) o build up a community o develop new ideas The meetings are initiated by the Spin Committee and organized by Local Groups. They have to follow the rules imposed by the SpinCom in order to provide a platform for new ideas open for every scientist.
History of Spin Conferences E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Two conference series related to Spin/Polarization phenomena in nuclear and particle physics: 1.Symposia on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Reactions 2.Symposia on High Energy Spin Physics
Symposia on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Reactions E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Start: Basel 1960 (Basel: first working polarized ion source & scattering experiments with polarized beam from source!) Following, every 5 years: Karlsruhe 1965, Madison 1970, Zürich 1975*, Santa Fe 1980*, Osaka 1985*, Paris 1990* (resolution to merge with HE Spin Physics), Bloomington 1994 (last independent meeting, in parallel to HE Spin Physics Symposium) *) attendance
Symposia on High Energy Spin Physics E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Start: Argonne 1974 (at ANL: First polarized HE beam in the 12 GeV Zero-Gradient-Synchrotron!) Following, every 2 years: Argonne 1976, 1978, Lausanne 1980, BNL 1982, Marseille 1984, Protvino 1986, Minneapolis 1988*, Bonn 1990*, Nagoya 1992*, Bloomington 1994 (in parallel to Polarization Symposium), Amsterdam 1996, Protvino 1998* (last HE Spin Symposium) *) attendance
‘Joint’ Symposia on Spin Physics E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Start: Osaka 2000* Millenium Conference! Following, every 2 years: Brookhaven 2002*, Trieste 2004*, Kyoto 2006*, Charlottesville 2008*; Jülich 2010*, next meeting: Dubna 2012!! ISPC Committee composed of members from the former nuclear and HE spin physics community *) attendance
How is the Spin Physics Community linked together? Spin Symposia are uniquely dedicated to the fundamental role of spin in nuclear and particle physics. There is consensus, that the connection is mediated by the development of ‘Spin Tools’ enabling us to perform ‘Spin experiments’ or ‘Polarization experiments’. Diffraction DISMaterial science with pol. neutrons Nucl. structure Spin structure NN interaction SPIN TOOL S Spin tools are discussed in detail at Workshops (regular or topical) E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg8PSTP'11 Petersburg Sept.2011
Spin Story presented by an Insider The talk is not on the Web anymore – ask me for file
The Spin Toolbox E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Polarized Gas Targets Polarized Solid Targets Polarized Ion Sources Polarized Electron Sources Polarimeters Spin Theory
E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept The first Meeting on Spin Tools (?) The first meeting known to me: Int. Conference on Polarized Targets and Ion Sources Saclay 1966 – Chairman A. Abragam Solid proton targets polarized by DNP (Jeffries, Borghini, Saclay group,...) Application of solid polarized targets for neutron physics: Spectroscopy, Spin Filtering of neutrons (F.L. Shapiro – Dubna),... Nice overview ‘Polarized Ion Sources’ by R. Beurty (Saclay): Lamb Shift sources and Classical Sources (ABS) – still worth reading!
Early Workshops on Spin Tools E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept The 2 nd conference on (solid) pol. targets took place at Berkeley 1971 (chair: O. Chamberlain) Work on Spin Tools was discussed at the Polarization Symposia: Karlsruhe 1965 (e.g. 1 st ideas on a Colliding Beam Source by W. Haeberli), Madison 1970 (e.g. achromatic focusing by means of a compressor sextupole – H.F. Glavish), Zürich 1975 (e.g. pol. electrons from a GaAs cathode by Müller/IBM) and Santa Fe (e.g. 1 st exp. demonstration of the CBS by the Madison group) Similar work has been presented at the HE Spin Symposia
Early Workshops on Spin Tools E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Topical workshops – initiated mostly by the HE Spin community: Ann Arbor 1981 & Vancouver 1883 ‘High intensity pol. proton sources’ Abingdon 1981, BNL 1982, Bad Honnef 1984 ‘Pol. Target Materials and Techniques’ Bodega Bay 1985 ‘Polarized antiprotons’
List of topics discussed at the workshop: 1.Polarized antiprotons from the decay in flight of antihyperons 2.Spin filtering of antiprotons by a polarized hydrogen target in a storage ring 3.Stochastic techniques à la ‘Stochastic Cooling’ 4.DNP in flight using polarized electrons and microwave radiation 5.Spontaneous Spin-Flip synchrotron radiation 6.Spin-Flip synchrotron radiation induced by X-ray laser 7.Polarization by scattering 8.Repeated Stern-Gerlach deflection 9.Polarized antiprotons via the formation of antihydrogen and application of the ABS method 10.Polarizing during storage in a Penning trap 11.Polarizing by Channeling 12.Polarizing through interaction with polarized X-rays from a diamond crystal *) Proc. Workshop on Polarized Antiprotons, Bodega Bay, CA, A.D. Krisch, A.M.T. Lin, O. Chamberlain (Edts.), AIP Conf. Proc. 145 (1986) 207 Workshop Bodega Bay
Early Workshops on Spin Tools E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Topical workshops – initiated mostly by the HE Spin community: Ann Arbor 1981, Vancouver 1883 ‘High Intensity Pol. Proton Sources’ Abingdon 1981, BNL 1982, Bad Honnef 1984 ‘Pol. Target Materials and Techniques’ Bodega Bay 1985 ‘Polarized Antiprotons’ Montana 1986 ‘Polarized Sources and Targets’ Minneapolis 1988 and Bonn 1990: several satellite workshops to Spin88 and Spin90 KEK 1990 ‘Pol. Ion Sources and Gas Jets’
E. Steffens FAU Erlangen- Nürnberg PSTP'11 Petersburg Sept
Workshop KEK 1990 E. Steffens FAU Erlangen- Nürnberg PSTP'11 Petersburg Sept
Workshops after 1990 E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept After 1990: Workshops predominantly in the uneven years between the Spin Symposia! e.g. on ‘Pol. Beams/Sources and Targets’: Heidelberg 1991(restricted to ‘Pol. Gas Targets’)
Heidelberg 1991: Polarized Gas Targets E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Hot topic: polarized gas targets for storage rings Running: polarized deuterium target at VEPP3 (Novosibirsk) Projects: FILTEX/HERMES, IUCF 3He test run, IUCF PINTEX, AmPS (NIKHEF)
Heidelberg 1991: Polarized Gas Targets E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept
Workshops after 1990 E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept After 1990: Workshops predominantly in the uneven years between the Spin Symposia! e.g. on ‘Pol. Beams/Sources and Targets’: Heidelberg 1991(restricted to ‘Pol. Gas Targets’) Madison 1993, Cologne 1995, Urbana 1997, Erlangen 1999
Erlangen 1999: PST99 E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept
Erlangen 1999: PST99 E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept
Workshops after 1990 E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept After 1990: Workshops predominantly in the uneven years between the Spin Symposia! e.g. on ‘Pol. Beams/Sources and Targets’: Heidelberg 1991(restricted to ‘Pol. Gas Targets’) Madison 1993, Cologne 1995, Urbana 1997, Erlangen 1999, Nashville 2001, Novosibirsk 2003, Tokyo 2005, Brookhaven 2007, Ferrara 2009 and now in St. Petersburg 2011 !
The Spin Toolbox E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Polarized Ion Sources Optically-Pumped Polarized H - Ion Source at RHIC, Brookhaven Nat.Lab. RHIC OPPIS produces reliably mA (maximum 1.6 mA) polarized H - ion current. Pulse duration 400 s. Polarization at 200 MeV P = %.
The Spin Toolbox E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Polarized Electron Sources DANILAC Electron Injector, Darmstadt
The Spin Toolbox E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Polarized Solid Targets COMPASS Polarized Target, CERN
The Spin Toolbox E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Polarized Gas Targets ABS and Storage Cell Target with ANKE Spectrometer, COSY FZ Jülich
The Spin Toolbox E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Polarimeters HERMES Compton Polarimeter (LPOL) for 27.5GeV Electrons stored in HERA DESY Hamburg
The Spin Toolbox E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Spin Theory Decomposition of Nucleon Spin, discussed e.g. at recent Theory workshop ‘Transversity 2011’, or the upcoming workshop ‘DSPIN11’
E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Future Workshops on Spin Tools Topical vs. regular workshops Is the division into different topics reasonable (ion beams & targets, electron sources, solid targets, 3 He,...)? Do new ideas emerge from such workshops? Do we have enough exchange with other fields?
E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Future Workshops on Spin Tools Atomic beams Ion beams Open gas targets Closed/high pressure gas targets Solid polarized targets Photon beams Electron sources Polarimetry of - ion beams - electrons beams - recoils - decay particles - neutrons Applications in - medicine - material research - electronics
My Conclusions E. Steffens FAU Erlangen-NürnbergPSTP'11 Petersburg Sept Our workshops have an impressive history with many innovations for spin experiments New initiatives needed in order to keep the field up and active I look forward to a creative meeting in a stimulating atmosphere!