Employment Research and innovation Climate change and energy Education Fighting poverty
Aim: to enhance the performance and international attractiveness of European higher education institutions and raise the overall quality of all levels of education and training in the EU, combining both excellence and equity, by promoting students and trainees' mobility, and improve the employment situation of young people. Aim: to enhance the performance and international attractiveness of European higher education institutions and raise the overall quality of all levels of education and training in the EU, combining both excellence and equity, by promoting students and trainees' mobility, and improve the employment situation of young people.
Eu measures National measures
1. Integration and enhancement of the EU's mobility, university and researchers' programs and linking them up with national programs and resources; 2. Modernization of agenda on higher education by benchmarking university performance and educational outcomes in a global context 3. Promotion of entrepreneurship through mobility programs for young professionals 4. Promotion of non-formal and informal learning 5. Launching a youth employment framework outlining policies
1. Make lobbying on the regional level in order to enhance efficient investment in education and training systems at all levels (pre-school to tertiary); 2. Improve cooperation between the members of ENSA with an aim to improve the exchange of best practice on educational systems between European regions 3. Build partnership with other EU networks tackling the similar issues: for example Leonardo group on mobility 4. Stimulate participation of young people in Community programmes (LLL, Youth in Action) 5. Improve young people's entry into the labor market 6. Stronger cooperation between the members on EU financed projects
Employment Aim: Creation of conditions for modernization of labor markets in order to raise employment levels and ensuring the sustainability of social models. This means empowering people through the acquisition of new skills to enable current and future workforce to adapt to new conditions and potential career shifts, reduce unemployment and raise labor productivity Aim: Creation of conditions for modernization of labor markets in order to raise employment levels and ensuring the sustainability of social models. This means empowering people through the acquisition of new skills to enable current and future workforce to adapt to new conditions and potential career shifts, reduce unemployment and raise labor productivity
Measures to be taken on EU level: Definition and implementation of the second phase of the flexicurity agenda in order to identify ways to manage better economic transitions and to fight unemployment Definition and implementation of the second phase of the flexicurity agenda in order to identify ways to manage better economic transitions and to fight unemployment Adaption of the legislative framework as regards the working time, posting of workers, new risks for health and safety at work; Adaption of the legislative framework as regards the working time, posting of workers, new risks for health and safety at work; Facilitation and promotion of intra-EU labor mobility and better matching of labor supply with demand with appropriate financial support from the structural funds Facilitation and promotion of intra-EU labor mobility and better matching of labor supply with demand with appropriate financial support from the structural funds
Cooperation in education and training involvement of all stakeholders which should result in the implementation of life-long learning principles (in cooperation with Member States, social partners, experts) Cooperation in education and training involvement of all stakeholders which should result in the implementation of life-long learning principles (in cooperation with Member States, social partners, experts) Reinforcement of the attractiveness of vocational education and training. Reinforcement of the attractiveness of vocational education and training. Ensuring that the competences required to engage in further learning and the labor market are acquired and recognized throughout general, vocational, higher and adult education Ensuring that the competences required to engage in further learning and the labor market are acquired and recognized throughout general, vocational, higher and adult education Enhancement of the capacity of social partners and ensuring full use of the problem-solving potential of social dialogue Enhancement of the capacity of social partners and ensuring full use of the problem-solving potential of social dialogue
Fight against the poverty The aim is to ensure economic, social and territorial cohesion, building on the current European year for combating poverty and social exclusion so as to raise awareness and recognize the fundamental rights of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion, enabling them to live in dignity and take an active part in society. The aim is to ensure economic, social and territorial cohesion, building on the current European year for combating poverty and social exclusion so as to raise awareness and recognize the fundamental rights of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion, enabling them to live in dignity and take an active part in society.
Measures to be taken on the EU level Creation of platform for cooperation, peer-review and exchange of good practice and taking concrete action, including through targeted support from the structural funds (ESF) Creation of platform for cooperation, peer-review and exchange of good practice and taking concrete action, including through targeted support from the structural funds (ESF) Design and implementation of programmes which promote social innovation and provide innovative education, training, and employment opportunities, fight against discrimination (e.g. disabled), and development a new agenda for migrants' integration Design and implementation of programmes which promote social innovation and provide innovative education, training, and employment opportunities, fight against discrimination (e.g. disabled), and development a new agenda for migrants' integration An assessment of the sustainability of social protection and pension systems, and identification of the ways to ensure better access to health care systems. An assessment of the sustainability of social protection and pension systems, and identification of the ways to ensure better access to health care systems.
What we as ENSA can do? Raise awareness on regional level on shared collective and individual responsibility in combating poverty and social exclusion; Raise awareness on regional level on shared collective and individual responsibility in combating poverty and social exclusion; Define and implement measures addressing the specific circumstances of groups at particular risk (such as one- parent families, elderly, women, minorities, Roma, disabled and the homeless); Define and implement measures addressing the specific circumstances of groups at particular risk (such as one- parent families, elderly, women, minorities, Roma, disabled and the homeless); Stimulate interregional cooperation in order to foster the dialogue concerning social policies with the European Institutions Stimulate interregional cooperation in order to foster the dialogue concerning social policies with the European Institutions
IMPLEMENTING BODIES ENSA National and regional bodies European Parliament European Commission Council of Ministers European Council,