In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff EU Deutsches Forschungsinstitut für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) & Universität des Saarlandes Erica Melis & George Goguadze Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz EACEA/01/06
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Plan: – Main goals: dissemination and exploitation of results of LeActiveMath Work to be done –WPs and WP leaders Workplan Obligations of the Coordinator Obligations of the co-beneficiaries Organization Finances Reporting Procedure
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 WP 1: exploitation services WP leader: DFKI Goal: Provide services for open-source exploitation of ActiveMath, materials, support activities –Support User manual (German, English)(DFKI) Technological support for partners (UdS) –Services User mailing list, upload tool, bug reportng, forum, installation service (UdS) Develop cost model for main services (installation, customization)(UdS) Integration into open source LMS (DFKI)
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 WP 2: Content reuse and enlagement WP leader: Klett (originally) now vacant (ThemaCom) Goal: enlarge and reuse content Translations Translate content + system to Czech (Prague) System + content translation to Hungarian(Budapest) ActiveMath content translation to French (Paris) Translation of content and system to Dutch (Zaandam) New content Devise and implement new exercises (Klett) Content from other applications Integration of content via Combien? (Paris, see WP5) Reuse (LUM)
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 WP 3: Exploitation and dissemination to Associations and Networks WP leader: LMU Munich Goal: exploitation activities, dissemination (web site, dissemination material, direct interaction with target groups) Exploitation Website Material Inform the actors of ways and means of using ActiveMath Exchange and transfer of good practices of LeAM and foster innovations in teaching methods Workshops
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 WP3 : Details exploitation –Exploitation proposal for bridging courses project (DFKI) –investigative support of eLearning standards (DFKI) –exploitation of single components of LeAM (DFKI) –exploitation of competency-based pedagogy experience (LMU) –exploitation of LeAM as a research tool to investigate Learning (UdS) web site –web site implementation and maintenance (UdS) –cooperation with/dissemination to other projects (UdS) –satisfaction questionnaire for web site (UdS) –FAQ on web site (DFKI) –wiki on web site (DFKI) material –write text for leaflet, translate to German (DFKI) –translation of leaflet to Czech (Prague) –translation of leaflet to Hungarian (Budapest) –translation of leaflet to French (Paris) –translation of leaflet to Dutch (Zaandam) –print material (leaflet, posters) (UdS)
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 WP3: Details inform the actors of ways and means of using ActiveMath –disseminate results of LeAM to German maths teacher network and universities (LMU) –disseminate results of LeAM to Czech teachers, university tutors, association, Czech portal Prague (Prague) –disseminate results of LeAM to Hungarian teacher network (Budapest) –dissemination results of LeAM to French network / association (Paris) exchange and transfer of good practices for LeAM and foster innovations in teaching methods –develop, exchange and transfer of good practices of LeAM (+video) (LMU) –develop good practice with ActiveMath (Budapest) –case study and dissemination results of LeAM to Dutch teacher networks (Zaandam) –close cooperation with other projects (Galois in NL) (Zaandam) workshops –general workshop organization and publication (UdS) –local workshop organization (Prague) –local workshop organization (Paris) –local workshop organization (Budapest)
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 WP 4: Dissemination to Pre-Service Teachers WP leader: Budapest Goals: intensive training and dissemination with pre- service teachers pre-service teachers training –train German pre-service teachers with ActiveMath (LMU) –train Czech pre-service teachers with ActiveMath, produce pedagogical guidelines for its use (Prague) –train Hungarian pre-service teachers with ActiveMath (Budapest) –best practice of using ActiveMath (Budapest) –train French pre-service teachers with ActiveMath (Paris)
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 WP 5: Integration WP leader: Paris Goals: integration with eLearning app. Combien? integration of Combien? into ActiveMath (Paris) technological support for integration Combien? (DFKI)
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 WP 6: Management WP leader: UdS Goals: Administrative and technical management overall management (UdS) updates of project summary etc (UdS) continuous evaluation and monitoring (DFKI) pedagogical evaluation through questionnaires, best practice evaluation (LMU)
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Work Plan
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Next meetings No need to meet before Autumn 2007? – September 4 – Place candidates: Paris München Budapest Other means of communication (conference, e.g. skype, icq) Local meetinngs on demand Review (will be announced)
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Obligations of the Coordinator Communicate with EC Supplying all documents and information (can be delegated) Inform about web site Inform agency of transfer between items of eligible costs Provide financial guarantee when requested Payment requests on behalf of partners Payment transfer to the partners
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Obligations of Co-Beneficiaries Agree upon arrangements between partners Agree with internal cooperation agreement (CA) Forward to coordinator all reports, financial statements and documents Inform coordinator of problems immediately Inform coordinator of transfer between items of eligible costs Provide audits etc if required
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Finances Total costs: 494,875 euro Funding: 395,900 (80%) Direct costs (personell, travel, dissem., etc) Indirect costs: max 7% of direct costs (flat rate) Transfer between items –shall not exceed 10% of amount of each item for which transfer is intended –EC has to be informed Subsequent payments depend on the work progress (per partner)
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007Payments 1st payment: 40% - within 15 working days from the date when all parties sign the CA 2nd payment: 40% -within 20 working days of the receipt of the further pre- financing of the EC by the Coordinator - following the approval of the progress report by the EC - only if at least 70% of the partner's prefinancing has been spent Balance payment: -within 20 working days of the receipt of the final payment of the EC by the Contractor -following the approval of the final report by the EC
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Budget Overview EXPENDITURES Universität des Saarlandes German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Ludwig Maximilian University Munich Eötvös Loránd University 1. Staff costs , , , , ,00 2. General expenditure , , , , ,00 3. Travel and subsistence , ,00 4. Conferences and seminars , , ,00 5. Production, dissemination and information costs 5.340,00900, ,00 6. Other 0,00 TOTAL , , , , ,00 REVENUES 1. eLearning grant , , , , ,00 2. Specific subsidies except eLearning grant (1) 0,00 3. Revenues generated by the partner (2) 0,00 4. Self-financing , , , , ,00 TOTAL , , , , ,00
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Budget Overview EXPENDITURES Charles University PragueUniversity Paris 6 St. Michael College (secondary school) Klett 1. Staff costs , , , , ,00 2. General expenditure , , , , ,00 3. Travel and subsistence , , , ,00 4. Conferences and seminars , , ,00 5. Production, dissemination and information costs 5.340, ,00 6. Other 0,00 TOTAL , , , , ,00 REVENUES 1. eLearning grant , , , , ,00 2. Specific subsidies except eLearning grant (1) 0,00 3. Revenues generated by the partner (2) 0,00 4. Self-financing , , , , ,00 TOTAL , , , , ,00
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Budget Overview
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Budget Overview
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Organizational Issues Consortium agreement written by UdS and signed by all partners Progress report: end of 2007 –Each partner shall internally collect and report all ist relevant activities per WP incl. Relevant meetings, publications etc (in CVS) –WP leaders edit the WP reports (in CVS) –Coordinator edits overall report and adds financial and management report –Coordinator submits report to Agency Final report: June 2008
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Reporting Procedure need to keep track of activities for each month internally submit activity reports in svn (UdS provides pattern) procedure: –each partner puts its activities into WP –each WP leader puts this together –coordinator adds things and submits –quarterly reports in addition to main progress reports
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Content of Reports Each partner writes a text, describing the activities No keywords, full sentences Structured w.r.t. Work Packages Submit in the svn repository Reports are assembled from this descriptions Sample Report: University of Saarland (UdS) WP2. Content Reuse and enlargment. UdS has encoded 20 new interactive exercises for the concept of derivative. Exercises are reusable for several learning contexts. WP6. Management. UdS has organized the Kick-off meeting of the project at Also, UdS participated in organizazion of 3 day authoring workshop aimed to teach authors to produce content for the ActiveMath system.
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007 Reporting Procedure Partner Report Partner Report Partner Report SVN WP1, WP2 WP1, WP3 WP2, WP3 WP2 WP1 WP3 WP1 Leader WP2 Leader WP3 Leader Coordinator
In Source: Melis & GoguadzeKickoff 2007Conclusion weitere Möglichkeiten: –neue Inhalte, weitere Zielgruppen, Berufsausbildung –Kompetenzen als Ziele, Binnendiffernzierung –Lehrertool… nationale adaptive Brückenkurse