Events, Beliefs, Definitions. &
German Chancellor Became the Fuhrer (dictator) Nazi Party Leader Wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) Motivational speaker Believed in the superiority of German people
Second to Hitler in power Created/leader of the Gestapo Head of military and economics of the Third Reich Initially, Hitler chose Goering to succeed Hitler accuses him of treason Captured by American forces Poisoned self before Allies could prosecute
Chief of Nazi Propaganda Department Controlled all newspapers and radio “If you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it.” Doctorate in Literature and Philosophy Responsible for getting German people to support Hitler
Engineer “Master of Death” Responsible for organizing and implementing the Final Solution Escaped to Argentina; Executed in 1962 The Nazi Hunters
Leader of the Gestapo Most ruthless of German officials Designed mass murder methods Designed Auschwitz
Known as “the Hangman”“the Hangman” Head of Security Services and administrator of the concentration camps 1942: Chosen to administer the Final Solution May, 1942: Assassinated by Czech resistance in Prague
“Angel of Death” SS doctor at Auschwitz Wanted to create a pure Aryan race Medical experiments conducted on prisoners: twins, serum, pressure chambers, ice cold water, surgery
Fascism /Government headed by a dictator /Extreme nationalism: dictator has total control of people and their loyalty; controls all areas of the citizens’ lives /Restores pride in country /Allows persecution of any people /Seen in Italy, Spain, Japan, Germany /Often blames problems of country on one group of citizens Definitions
Antisemitism Prejudice against Jews Discrimination or persecution of Jews Final Solution Final Solution Nazi term for their plan to annihilate the Jews of Europe Genocide Genocide The systematic murder of a whole race or nation. Holocaust Greek translation of a word used in Genesis; means “total burning”. Holocaust is the murder of Jews between
Ghetto SS Gestapo A part of a city in which Jews were forced to live Schutzstaffel: Known as the Black Shirts. Part of the Gestapo, they ran the camps. Geheime Staatspolizei: Secret State Police. Created to monitor and punish any political opposition. Example of abusing power.
Scapegoat Swastika Innocent people blamed for other people’s troubles An old religious symbol from India, Persia, and Greece to ward off evil spirits; adopted by the Nazis as their party symbol. Hitler corrupted its meaning to symbolize the Aryan racial superiority.