STANDARD HE7.7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. (c) Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self & others. EQ: What is in tobacco that is harmful? WORD WALL: Nicotene Tar Carbon Monoxide Cilia Addiction Physiological Dependence Psychological Dependence Withdrawal Secondhand Smoke Sidestream Smoke Mainstream Smoke Passive Smoker Lesson Page 404 Rome Middle School What Tobacco Does to Your Body DO NOW: Write out 3 reasons people might give for smoking or chewing tobacco.
STANDARD HE7.7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. (c) Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self & others. EQ: What is in tobacco that is harmful? WORD WALL: Nicotene Tar Carbon Monoxide Cilia Addiction Physiological Dependence Psychological Dependence Withdrawal Secondhand Smoke Sidestream Smoke Mainstream Smoke Passive Smoker Trace or draw Fig 13.2, p405. Label the 6 chemicals shown.
STANDARD HE7.7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. (c) Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self & others. EQ: What is in tobacco that is harmful? WORD WALL: Nicotene Tar Carbon Monoxide Cilia Addiction Physiological Dependence Psychological Dependence Withdrawal Secondhand Smoke Sidestream Smoke Mainstream Smoke Passive Smoker FACT: There are over 4,000 chemicals in a single puff of smoke from a cigarette. Over 50 of these chemicals are known causes of cancer.
STANDARD HE7.7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. (c) Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self & others. EQ: What is in tobacco that is harmful? WORD WALL: Nicotene Tar Carbon Monoxide Cilia Addiction Physiological Dependence Psychological Dependence Withdrawal Secondhand Smoke Sidestream Smoke Mainstream Smoke Passive Smoker What’s in it: NICOTINE – an addictive drug in cigarettes. Known to cause dizziness and an upset stomach.
STANDARD HE7.7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. (c) Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self & others. EQ: What is in tobacco that is harmful? WORD WALL: Nicotene Tar Carbon Monoxide Cilia Addiction Physiological Dependence Psychological Dependence Withdrawal Secondhand Smoke Sidestream Smoke Mainstream Smoke Passive Smoker What’s in it: TAR – A thick, dark liquid that forms when tobacco burns. Can cover the lining of the lungs.
STANDARD HE7.7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. (c) Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self & others. EQ: What is in tobacco that is harmful? WORD WALL: Nicotene Tar Carbon Monoxide Cilia Addiction Physiological Dependence Psychological Dependence Withdrawal Secondhand Smoke Sidestream Smoke Mainstream Smoke Passive Smoker What’s in it: CARBON MONOXIDE – Colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. In large amounts, can kill. PPPP llll aaaa yyyy M M M M oooo vvvv iiii eeee
STANDARD HE7.7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. (c) Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self & others. EQ: What is in tobacco that is harmful? WORD WALL: Nicotene Tar Carbon Monoxide Cilia Addiction Physiological Dependence Psychological Dependence Withdrawal Secondhand Smoke Sidestream Smoke Mainstream Smoke Passive Smoker What’s in it: OTHER POISONS – FORMALDEHYDE acidic gas found in cleaners Cyanide deadly poison (Nazi Germany) Methanol poison alcohol (causes blindness)
STANDARD HE7.7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. (c) Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self & others. EQ: What is in tobacco that is harmful? WORD WALL: Nicotene Tar Carbon Monoxide Cilia Addiction Physiological Dependence Psychological Dependence Withdrawal Secondhand Smoke Sidestream Smoke Mainstream Smoke Passive Smoker Don’t think Cigarettes can kill? WWWW AAAA TTTT CCCC HHHH T T T T HHHH IIII SSSS !!!!
STANDARD HE7.7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. (c) Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self & others. EQ: What is in tobacco that is harmful? WORD WALL: Nicotene Tar Carbon Monoxide Cilia Addiction Physiological Dependence Psychological Dependence Withdrawal Secondhand Smoke Sidestream Smoke Mainstream Smoke Passive Smoker Trace or Draw Figure on P407. Label What Tobacco Does To The Body Mouth Bad breath, yellow teeth, dulls taste buds Heart High chance of heart disease Stomach May cause stomach ulcers Bladder Risk of Bladder cancer Brain Reduced O 2 flow Chance of stroke Respiratory System Destroys cilia & alveoli Circulatory System Weakens & clogs blood vessels
STANDARD HE7.7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. (c) Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self & others. EQ: What is in tobacco that is harmful? WORD WALL: Nicotene Tar Carbon Monoxide Cilia Addiction Physiological Dependence Psychological Dependence Withdrawal Secondhand Smoke Sidestream Smoke Mainstream Smoke Passive Smoker 1965 Health warnings began to appear on cigarette packages Cigarette Ads were banned from radio & TV