Astronomy Toolkit Magnitudes Apparent magnitude Absolute magnitude The distance equation Luminosity and intensity Units and other basic data Logarithms
Magnitudes Hipparcos classified the stars visible to the naked eye into six different brightness classes called magnitudes Hipparcos chose to categorize the brightest stars as magnitude 1, and the faintest as magnitude 6 (smaller numbers are brighter stars) The magnitude system of Hipparcos is still in use today in a slightly revised form Hipparcos of Nicaea (c.190 – c.120 BC) at work Hipparcos, a Greek astronomer, invented the first scale to rate the brightness of the stars.
Modern Magnitudes The magnitude scale is logarithmic The difference in magnitude between two stars can be expressed as a function of the ratio of their brightness
Apparent Magnitude Some stars appear bright and others very faint in the sky The apparent magnitude “m” of a star is a measure of how bright it appears in the sky –Some faint stars are intrinsically bright, but are very distant –Some bright stars are very faint but happen to lie close to us A star’s apparent magnitude tells us little about the star We need to know stars’ distances from Earth The apparent magnitude of the Sun is -26!
Absolute Magnitude The absolute magnitude “M” of a star is defined as the apparent magnitude a star would have if it were placed at a distance of 10 parsecs The absolute and apparent magnitudes are related by the distance equation, where D is the distance in parsecs
Playing with Magnitudes The star α Orionis (Betelgeuse) has an apparent magnitude of m = 0.45 and an absolute magnitude of M = –5.14 What is the distance to Betelgeuse? 0.45 – (-5.14)=5log 10 (D) /5 + 1 = log 10 (D) D= =131 parsecs
Luminosity The total energy emitted by the star each second is called its luminosity, L Luminosity is measured in watts (power = energy per second) Knowing the apparent magnitude and the distance of a star, we can determine its luminosity The star radiates light in all directions so that its emission is spread over a sphere To find the intensity, I, of light from a star at the Earth (the intensity is the emission per unit area), divide the star’s luminosity by the area of a sphere, with the star at the centre and radius equal to the distance of the star from Earth, D. I = L/(4πD 2 )
Units and Other Basic Data Angle –1 arcminute = 1/60 of a degree = × radians –1 arcsecond = 1/3600 of a degree = × 10 –6 radians –1 milliarcsecond (mas) = 1/1000 arcsecond Speed of light (c) = × 10 8 m/s Distance –Astronomical Unit – 1.5 x 10 8 km –Light Year ~ km –Parsecs 1 parsec (pc) = × km = 3.26 light-years 1 kiloparsec (kpc) = 1000 parsec = 3,260 light-years 1 Megaparsec (Mpc) = 10 6 parsec = 3,260,000 light-years –1 nanometer (nm) = 10 –9 m
More Units Velocity – kilometers per second Mass – in units of the mass of the Sun 2 x kg Luminosity – in units of the solar luminosity 4 x watts = 4 x joules sec -1