Julie Adams David Morse Developing a Senate Tool Kit
Why are we here? Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a “tool kit” for use by local academic senates in training their support staff or for use by local senate leaders wishing to organize or improve their senate files, records, and offices. Resolution F08 Support for Local Senate Staff Training
What did they tell us in fall? Senates are losing staff members Senates need guidance about how to maintain continuity in the local senate office Senates that have staff need tools and techniques for how to communicate with staff Senates need ideas about how to maintain the historical positions of the senate (resolutions) Senates need ideas about how to document the culture of the local senate Senates need templates or standard forms for what they do on a regular basis
What should be in a Tool Kit Senate Governing Documents Senate procedures Responsibilities Rules for meetings Roles of the Senate College Governance Documents Acronyms and Definitions
Maintaining continuity What should be in your senate office? Resolutions Minutes Budget Constitution and Bylaws Committee reports Check list of important documents Require senate president signature Contact list for college key phone numbers Master Calendar Orientation materials (binder)
Resources Brown Act Robert’s Rules of Order Title 5 (10 + 1) & Education Code Minimum Qualifications Empowering Local Senate handbook Senate website (new and improved) Senate Events Publications Executive Committee members
What else?
Conclusion How should it be made available? Website CD Paper Questions and comments