Health 9 - Chapter 1 Understanding Health and Wellness Pages 4 - 31
Lesson 1 - What is health? Health is the combination of your physical, mental/emotional and social well-being.
The three elements of Health that creates the health triangle. Physical health – all about how well your body functions. This includes having enough energy to perform daily activities, deals with stresses and injury.
Mental/Emotional Health Is about your feeling and thoughts. It’s a reflection of how you feel about yourself, how you meet the demands of your daily life and how you cope with problems that occur in your life
People who are mentally and emotionally healthy: Enjoy challenges that help them grow. Accept responsibility for their actions. Can express their emotions in appropriate ways. Usually can deal with life’s stresses and frustrations Generally have a positive outlook. Make thoughtful and responsible decisions.
Social Health Getting along with others. Your social network includes family, friends, teachers, and other members of your community. You do not have to have a lot of friends to have good social health. Sometimes a few special people you can share your thoughts and feelings with is enough.
Good Social health involves: Seeking and lending support when needed. Communicating clearly and listening to others. Showing respect and care for yourself and others.
Wellness An overall state of well-being or total health. Comes from making decisions and practicing behaviors that are based on sound health knowledge and healthful attitudes.
The Health Continuum
In-class Assignment Lesson 1 – Your Total Health Handout (p.8) Show teacher when you are finished.
Lesson 2 - Influences on your health Heredity – all traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents. Attitudes – or the way you view health situations. Environment – the sum of your surroundings Physical, social, culture (the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group.)
Influences Continued Behavior – choices you make. Media - the various methods for communicating information. Technology – the way media is delivered such as radio, television, the Internet, newspapers and magazines.
In-class Assignment Lesson 2 – What affects your health handout, (p.14) Show teacher when you are finished.
Lesson 3 – Health Risks and Your Behaviors Risk behaviors - actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others.
Six identified risk behaviors of young people under the age of 24. Tobacco use Unhealthy dietary behaviors Inadequate physical activity Alcohol use or other drug use Sexual behavior that may result in HIV infection, or other sexual transmitted diseases (STD’S), or unwanted pregnancies Behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence.
How to avoid risks Prevention – taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse. Abstinence – a deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors. This includes: alcohol, drugs, tobacco and sexual activity
Lifestyle Factors Get 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Eat nutritious meals, especially breakfast Drink 6-8 glasses of water each day. Engage in 30-60 minutes of exercise a day. Bathe daily, floss and brush your teeth everyday. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.
In-Class Assignment Lesson 3 – Health Risks and Your Behavior (p17) Show teacher when you are finished.
Lesson 4 Do NOW – copy these notes Healthy people – a program to prevent disease. Health Literacy – ability to locate and understand health information. Health disparities – differences in health outcomes between groups. Health education – provides accurate information to let people make healthy decisions.
In-class Assignment Lesson 4 – Promoting Health and Wellness (22) Show teacher when you are finished.
Reviewing for Chapter 1 Test Work on Chapter 1 Understanding Health and Wellness – Vocabulary Practice (p26) The date of the test will be …