LoT and ILL at LibraryofTexas.org Kevin Marsh – LoT is a discovery tool Discovery leads to borrowing Get It options –Online bookstores –TDNet database –Home library link OR ILL
Get It - Book
Book held by the Home Library
Get It – Journal article
Where does the ILL form go? to Home library for patron verification (and item approval) Option: Forward by to TexNet center Import into ILLiad or other ILL software
From: Library of Texas Sent: Wednesday, June 21, :50 PM To: Subject: ILL request Fort Bend County Libraries This message has been sent by a patron of your library through the Library of Texas Web site. Please consider this request for an inter-library loan item just as you would any other ILL request. You may want to validate this request by determining whether this is from a valid patron with borrowing priviledges and the requested item is not locally available. After validating this request please fill it using your usual ILL procedure. Public libraries may wish to refer this request to their TexNet center after validation. To make this easier we have configured this message so that using the "reply" feature of your software will send this message directly to your TexNet center. The user: First name: Jane Last name: Doe Library card #: Address: Gulf Dr Zip code: City: Richmond Phone: …
New Features Local database subscriptions Virtual Reference links OpenURL links
Coming Soon: ILL Features –Place holds in local system –Patron verification –Transmit request directly to ILLiad or CLIO
Holds Libraries that use holds Libraries that support NCIP or SIP2 standards Delivered to branches
Patron Verification Libraries that support NCIP or SIP2 standards Libraries may direct requests for verified patrons to TexNet centers without local staff oversight. Problem: Item verification hard to automate
Transmit requests ISO ILL standard allows us to send a request directly to a compliant system rather than using Eliminates re-keying or the use of parsers Transmission target set for each library, default to using