By Tony Pignataro 9 Silver
Two types of stroke ischaemic and haemorrhagic are the two types of stroke. A stroke is the sudden loss of function to the brain and your body cant co operate properly.
Ischaemic Is where there is a Blood blockage or a blood clot in the vessels causing loss of blood flow to the brain.
Haemorrhagic Is where a blood vessel bursts resulting in a blood shortage to the brain.
Current statistics 10% of stroke victims recover almost completely. 25% of stroke victims recover with minor impairments. 10% of stroke victims require care in a nursing home or other long-term care facility. 15% die shortly after the stroke. 22% of men and 25 percent of women die within a year of their first stroke. 14% of people who have a stroke will have another within a year. About 25% of stroke victims will have another within five years.
Who does a stroke affect Women account for approximately 43 percent of strokes that occur each year, but they account for 61 percent of stroke deaths. Stroke risk increases with age. For each decade after age 55, the risk of stroke doubles. Each year, 28 percent of people who suffer a stroke are under age 65.
What are the symptoms of a stroke Symptoms can include a numb or weak feeling in body. trouble speaking. unexplained dizziness. blurred or poor vision. loss of balance. difficulty swallowing. headache, confusion and unconsciousness.
New and possible future treatments and rehabilitation programs for victims Current stroke victims now can help there stroke by attending rehabilitation. Stemsell research in the future for stroke victims.
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