River is one of the Phenomena of nature. It is the marker and sustainer of the fertile plains. It is one of the natural means to carry water to us. It is well-known though it is wonderful.
River rise in the mountains. They are fed, either by rain or by snow. During the rainy season the dense forests on the mountains hole the rain water. This water comes out in many springs these springs of water flow down word. On the way they join the main current and flow as the river. During me summer season, snow melts and sustains the snow-fed wers.
A river is narrow at its origin. It flows very sharp on its ocky bed. When it reaches the plain, it cuts the land, becomes vider and wider till falls in the sea. On the way, some new-currents of waterfall in the main river. These currents are called tributaries. Some currents of water branch off the main river. Such currents are called branch rivers.
The river carries ones at its bottom. These stones roll on and on and become very small particles and turn into sand. So, the bed of the river is sandy and its bank too. On its bank, we see a lot of glossy pebbles.
The river makes a delta at its mouth. On the way, the river meets rocks and hills and makes waterfalls. At places it bears eddies of water. During the flood the river presents a horrible sight. In the dry seasons the river gets mild; the music of the ripples is very sweet to hear.
River do a lot of good to us. They provied water throughout the year. They supply water to us, to our animals, to our crops and vegetables and to our mills and engines. Some rivers are navigable. They help the in land trade. The boatmen ply their boats and ferry the people. We harness the waterfalls and generate electricity. With this electric power we run our machines. Rivers rise in to floods and put alluvium on our fields. People living near the river are benefited in a thousand ways.
River do us some harm during the high flood. They drown a lot of ferry – boats. They wash away settlements and smash the life and property. River are the carriers of epidemics from place to place. But their benefits outnumber their harms.
Some rivers are respected as parents. They are the makes and sustainers of the vast plains. The Nile is the main river of Egypt, it is the maker and preservers if the Nile; the Indus and the Ganges have made the vast plains of our country. It is known as the Indo-Genetic plains; the river Mahanadi is the largest river in Orissa. At Hirakud, we have made a dam over it.
Orissa will be flooded with milk and honey by the Mahanadi river valley projects and by the ‘Hirakud Multipurpose scheme’ Hence river are the greatest benefactors of the mankind.