Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 1 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Chapter Nutrition: The Nutrients 7 Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Section 2 How to Choose Nutritious Foods Section 3 Energy from Food Section 4 The Carbohydrates Section 5 The Fats Section 6 Proteins Section 7 Vitamins Section 8 Minerals Contents
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 2 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Fact or Fiction? Is this statement true or false? If you think it is false, explain what is true. The body responds to all fats in the same way.
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 3 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Content Vocabulary nutrients nutrient deficiencies malnutrition undernutrition overnutrition
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 4 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Good nutrition promotes growth and helps prevent diseases. What Is the Best Food for Me?
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 5 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Each day your body breaks down the foods you eat and extracts the nutrients that help body tissue grow. What Is the Best Food for Me? nutrients Substances in food that the body requires for proper growth, maintenance, and functioning
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 6 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Some people develop nutrient deficiencies because they do not obtain enough nutrients from their food. What Is the Best Food for Me? nutrient deficiencies Too little of one or more nutrients in the diet, one form of malnutrition
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 7 << BACK NEXT >> HOME A teen that suffers from malnutrition or undernutrition may never reach full height, may feel tired, experience mood swings, and suffer pains due to a lack of nutrition. What Is the Best Food for Me? malnutrition The result of serious undernutrition undernutrition Too little food energy or too few nutrients to promote growth
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 8 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Due to an abundance of food in the United States, overnutrition is more of a problem than undernutrition. What Is the Best Food for Me? overnutrition Consuming too much food energy (calories) or excessive amounts of some nutrients
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 9 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Your body uses nutrients to replace old or damaged muscle, bone, skin, and blood. Nutritious foods also provide energy to fuel your growth and activity. The best food choices also reduce your risk of developing illnesses later in life. What Is the Best Food for Me?
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 10 << BACK NEXT >> HOME People may be overweight or the following reasons: Consuming high amounts of salt, harmful fats, cholesterol, and added sugars. Consuming too few vegetables and too much meat. What Is the Best Food for Me?
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 11 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Define nutrients. nutrients Substances in food that the body requires for proper growth, maintenance, and functioning Section Review: Reviewing the Vocabulary
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 1 Benefits of Nutrition Chapter 7 Nutrition: The Nutrients 12 << BACK NEXT >> HOME What are nutrient deficiencies? nutrient deficiencies Too little of one or more nutrients in the diet, one form of malnutrition Section Review: Reviewing the Vocabulary Home End of Chapter 7 Section 1