Upscaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor Involvement of Stakeholders in the UBSUP Programme and its SafiSan Projects By the UBSUP Team 26 th - 27 th June 2014 North Coast Hotel, Mombasa 1 Water Services Trust Fund, Water Service Providers, County Government, Project Task Team, Field Monitor, Social Animators, Public Health Officers, WASREB
Main stakeholders within the UBSUP Programme Water Services Trust Fund, Water Service Providers, County Government Project Task Team, Field Monitor, Social Animators, Public Health Officers 2
Role of the Water Services Trust Fund (WSTF) The WSTF is a state corporation established by an Act of Parliament in 2004 to provide financial support to water and sanitation projects in Kenya The WSTF is a basket fund Its role among others includes: Provide financial support for improved plot and household sanitation Receive and evaluate project proposals Field appraisal of project proposals Fund project proposals Monitor SafiSan project progress & performance Carry out regular audits & evaluations Provide support to the WSPs (see the next slide 3
Scaling–up support provided by the WSTF Support provided by the WSTF: 1.Funding & audits 2.MajiData (the online pro-poor urban database); 3.Online toolkits and WSTF Procedures; 4.Workshops & training for WSPs (putting work back into the workshop!) 5.Technical standards, drawings, BoQs (etc.) developed with users (CuAD) 6.Support provided by the WSTF staff and WSTF Field Monitors 7.Support to the Low Income units of WSP (a new activity) Time-space aspects of the WSTF approach: WSTF has a long-term relationship with its key partners - the WSPs WSTF provides a forum that brings together WSP staff at different levels Lessons learnt & best practices can be shared with all WSPs 4
Role of the Water Service Providers (WSPs) The Water Services Providers are the key UBSUP stakeholders!! The WSP plan, implement and operate SafiSan Projects The WSPs: – Provide improved sanitation within their service areas – Collect relevant data on the low income areas within their service area – Prepare quality sanitation project proposals for funding – Establish and manage a multi-stakeholder Project Task Team (PTT) – Promote demand for improved sanitation – Promote good hand-washing practices within communities & schools – Prepare good quality UBSUP project progress reports to the WSTF – Ensure projects are completed within contractual timelines – Ensure value for money for all WSTF funded projects 5
Role of the Water Service Providers (Continued) The WSPs also: – Cooperate with the WSTF Field Monitor – Implement WSTF-funded sanitation project – Do not forget to include hand-washing facilities & toilet manuals – Identify, train and manage the SafiSan Social Animators – Ensure that the PTT has the required visibility materials (e.g. polo-shirts) – Pay toilet subsidies on time!!! – Only approve toilets that meet UBSUP quality & technical standards – Update and manage data on project progress and on the project area – Advice WSTF on ways to improve the quality of projects it is funding 6
Role of the County Government The County Government has an important responsibility when it comes to improving public health Sanitation, therefore, should be a key concern and priority of the County Government The County Government can be expected to: – Identify sanitation & public health “hotspots” – Endorse the SafiSan project proposal prepared with/by the WSP – Approve SafiSan technical standards & designs – Approve SafiSan social marketing messages – Enforce Public Health Act (PHOs) Act with the help of the PHOs – Provide public land for construction of drying beds & decentralised treatment facilities (DTFs) and ensures the issuance of NEMA permits – Provide political leadership aimed at improving sanitation & good hygiene practices in the County 7
Role of the Public Health Officer (Ministry of Health) Also the Ministry of Health has an important responsibility when it comes to the health of the Kenyan population Sanitation, therefore, should also be a key concern and priority of the Public Health Officers of the Ministry of Health (MoH) The PHO can be expected to: – Identify “sanitation hotspots” and potential SafiSan project areas – Carry out SafiSan focused community health awareness & education – Point out health risks related to poor sanitation – Identify the most appropriate types of toilet for each area and setting – Assist in toilet site identification and approval (at plot level) – Determine the number of required toilet units for each plot – Inform toilets users on toilet use, cleaning & maintenance – Provide on-going supervision of SafiSan toilets to ensure sustainable use 8
Role of the Public Health Officer (Ministry of Health) The PHO can also be expected to: – Promote community hand-washing awareness & education – Promoting hand-washing at schools in SafiSan project areas – Assist in the training of the Social Animators – Approve the suitability of the DTF site with regard to public health risks – Participate in the training of Sanitation Teams (*) & DTF Operators – Promote hygienic sludge management (collection, transport & disposal) – Enforce the Public Health Act 9
Role of the Public Health Officer (Ministry of Health) SafiSan projects, therefore, offer both; “carrots” (e.g. subsidies) and “sticks” (e.g. enforcement of the Public Health Act) A Public Health Officer (PHO) is empowered by various Acts, e.g. the Public Health Act Cap. 242 etc., building codes and by-laws, to access and determine the appropriateness of any siting of premises that is meant for human occupation and give relevant advice or directives 10
Composition of the Project Task Team (PTT) Proposed composition of the Project Task Team (PTT): Relevant WSP staff (including of the Sanitation Unit) The WSTF Field Monitor The Social Animators The Public Health Officer (PHO) Relevant County official(s) Members of a relevant NGO ort CBO (community-based organisation) Opinion leaders (e.g. church elders) Residents of the project area Others (if deemed necessary) Be efficient & cost-effective; Keep the PTT “mean and lean” 11
Roles & Responsibilities of the Project Task Team The main roles and responsibilities of the Project Task Team are: Preparing of the detailed Project Work Plan Establishing working relationships with the project areas & communities Organising community mobilisation activities Organising community awareness & sensitisation activities Training the Social Animators Guiding and monitoring the Social Animators Ensuring the good quality of all technical works Project monitoring to ensure high quality of works & sustainable operation Disseminating information on the SafiSan project & programme Reporting to the management of the WSP Reporting any irregularities (e.g. cases of theft, corruption, nepotism, etc.) 12
Introducing the WSTF Field Monitor for SafiSan Difference between SafiSan Projects and UPC Projects: UPC projects receive the support from 3 WSTF Field Monitors; an Engineering-, a Social- and a Finance Field Monitor SafiSan projects only receive the support of one (1) WSTF Field Monitor (FM) for SafiSan This Field Monitor (FM) is also called the “Resident Advisor” This FM is an all-rounder who can perform most roles of the 3 UPC FMs If the SafiSan project or the FM requires the support of a specialist, the support provided by the WSTF “flying squad” requested The WSTF “flying squad” consist of experts who can provided assistance, for example, during the construction of a decentralised treatment facility or the design of a subsidy payment procedure 13
Roles & Responsibilities of the WSTF Field Monitor The main roles and responsibilities of the SafiSan Field Monitor: Assist WSP during the preparation of project proposals to the WSTF Build capacity at WSP level Become a member of- and provide support to the Project Task Team Participate in training, social marketing and other project activities Provide advice to the WSP (staff involved in the project & management) Facilitate the various project (related) activities Monitor- and report progress to the WSTF Report any problems and irregularities to the WSTF and to WSP management Propose measures, procedures, tools, and actions (etc.) that can contribute to the improvement of the quality of the projects and the procedures and Toolkit developed by the WSTF 14
Role & Responsibilities of the WSPs Social Animators Main roles and responsibilities of the SafiSan Social Animators: Community mobilisation and awareness creation regarding sanitation Organising and holding public meetings (barazas) & SafiSan Baraza Shows Organising and implementing SafiSan Mini Fairs Involving opinion leaders in the SafiSan project & SafiSan toilet promotion Organising and holding household & plot-level social marketing sessions 15
Role & Responsibilities of Social Animators (continued) Main roles and responsibilities of the SafiSan Social Animators: Collect data and ensure data transfer to the Water Service Provider Assist in the identification of the most appropriate type of toilets Assist in toilet site identification Determine the number of required toilet units Monitor the construction of SafiSan toilets and provide advice to local artisans & their customers Train toilets users on toilet use, cleaning & maintenance Create hand-washing awareness at community and plot level Implement hand-washing programme at schools (KonoSafi) 16
Role & Responsibilities of the WASREB Main roles and responsibilities of the Water Services Regulatory Board: Develop feasible and affordable incentives for WSPs that improve sanitation in the low income areas within their Service Area Appraise tariff proposals submitted by the WSPs that include sanitation cross-subsidies Prepare relevant sanitation guidelines for WSPs 17
Thank You! Let’s work together and improve the sanitation & health of urban Kenyans! 18 Plot-level toilets Public Sanitation Facilities Household toilets From this to....