By: Chelsea Guan Pd. 10
Problem Statement and Hypothesis What is the most effective way to remove bacteria from hands? If hands are washed with soap and water, then there will be fewer bacteria left than if hand sanitizer or water were used.
Basic Concepts Pathogen Aseptic Agar Incubation
Procedure Gather materials (buy Agar Plates, soap, hand sanitizer) Find 9-12 people to volunteer for the test (no sex or age requirement) Divide the volunteers into 3 groups Label each plate with the words left and right, the name of the volunteer, and which group the plate belongs to Each volunteer will then lightly press their left hand in an Agar Plate
Procedure (Continued) They will then wash both their hands with soap, hand sanitizer, or water respectively. (For soap and water, hands must covered in soap and rinsed under warm water for 20 seconds. For hand sanitizer, a dime sized drop of hand sanitizer will be placed on the left palm. Hands will then be rubbed together for 20 seconds. For water alone, hands will be rinsed under warm water for 20 seconds.) Each volunteer will then press their right hand in the same plate respectively
Procedure (Continued) Seal plates using parafilm and tape The plates will then be incubated for 2 days inside an incubator inside of conditions (temperature around degrees C) Each plate will then be taken out (PLATES ARE NOT TO BE OPENED), and bacteria colonies on the Agar Plates will be counted To prevent spread of possible pathogen, plates will be disposed after autoclaved.
Design Diagram LevelsSoap and Water WaterHand Sanitizer None Trials3339
Data LevelsSoap and Water WaterHand Sanitizer None Trials
Analyzed Results Soap and Water WaterHand Sanitizer None Observed Expected Total P value: 4.23
Photo Documentation
Graphs of Data Number of Colonies Method of Cleaning
Conclusion Sources of error Improvements Extensions Applications
Special thanks to… Mrs. Pietrangelo My parents All my volunteers
Bibliography Biotechnology: Changing Life Through Science 3-Volume Set. 1 ed. Detroit: UXL, Print. "Hand Sanitizers - P2RxWiki." ISTC. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct <>. "A Chemical Engineer's Guide to Cleaning Just About Anything." Illumin. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct "Prokaryotes." The Biology Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct < Laboratory/Prokaryotes/Procaryotes.htm>. "All About Agar." Science Fair Project Ideas, Answers, & Tools. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct "Measuring Bacterial Growth." NEWTON/ANL Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct Levy, Foster, Scott A. Reynolds, and Elaine S. Walker. "Hand sanitizer alert." Journal of Environmental Health 69.4 (2006): 48+. Gale Science In Context. Web. 5 Oct Human subjects research: