Types of Positive Barrier Screens Rotary Drum Fixed Vertical Plate Vertical Traveling – belt and panel Non-Vertical Fixed Plate Horizontal Fixed Plate Eicher Screen Modular Inclined Screens End-Of-Pipe (Pump) Intake Screens 1
Acceptance of Existing Screens If constructed prior to 1989, approval of existing screen considered based on: must function as designed and in good working condition. upon replacement, mesh must be replaced with current criterion. provides safe timely and effective passage. no emergent fry at site access allowed for NMFS inspection.
3 Rotating Drum Screens
6 Rotating Drum Screen
7 Seals
9 Rotating Drum Screens - Advantages Proven fish protection Self-cleaning by rotation Passes debris downstream
10 Rotating Drum Screens - Disadvantages Susceptible to direct hits from large debris Large civil works are required. Seals require much maintenance. Susceptible to abrasions by sand - mesh requires periodic replacement. Need control to maintain submergence between 65% and 85% - easy step usually.
11 Vertical Fixed Plate Screens
12 Vertical Fixed Plate Screens
13 Vertical Fixed Plate Screens
14 Vertical Fixed Plate Screens
15 Vertical Fixed Plate Screens
16 Vertical Fixed Plate Screens - Advantages Easy to seal Mechanically simple Can be installed on river’s edge - small screens No bypass required Can use profile wire (very strong) Mechanical/brush cleaning usually effective Air burst cleaning system is on back side of screen. Cleaning is started by timer or head loss.
17 Vertical Fixed Plate Screens - Disadvantages Must be cleaned mechanically Large bypass flows required Brush arms can be damaged by large debris. Circular air burst cleaners do not clean entire screen.
18 Vertical Traveling Screens
19 Vertical Traveling Screens - panels
20 Traveling Screens - Belt
21 Traveling Screens - Belt
22 Traveling Screens - Advantages Small screens can be installed on riverbank. Compact civil works Self cleaned by rotation Jet sprays provide additional cleaning.
23 Traveling Screens - Disadvantages Mechanically complex Seals can be a problem. Make sure meets all NMFS criteria (old styles may not)
24 Non-Vertical Fixed Plate Screen - Coanda
25 Non Vertical Fixed Plate Screen – Coanda
26 Non-Vertical Fixed Plate Screen
27 Non-Vertical Flat Plate Screens
28 Non-Vertical Fixed Plate Screens - Advantages No moving parts No bypass required if built in-river
29 Non-Vertical Fixed Plate Screens - Disadvantages Self-cleaning may not be reliable Risk of injury/mortality on screen during low flow Must raise and control water surface Tricky, unreliable flow rate control Adult upstream passage concerns Potential issues with hydraulic gradients
30 Eicher Screens and Modular Inclined Screens
Eicher Screens
32 End-Of-Pipe Screens
33 Fixed Cylinder Screens Source: Johnson Screens, Inc..
34 Fixed Cylindrical Screens - Advantages Good option for deep intakes Air burst cleaning system can be made to be effective Some off-the-shelf models with water backwash systems meet NMFS criteria for active screens.
35 Fixed Cylindrical Screens - Disadvantages Out of sight, out of mind Need sweep velocity to transport debris from screen site. Air burst systems on large installations don’t always clean entire screen - especially the bottom. Long, stringy vegetation is a problem on small pump screens.
36 Pump Screens
37 Pump Screens
38 Pump Screens
Passive Screens (not self-cleaned) Selection Criteria : Only considered for use when site is not suitable for an active screen. Uniform approach velocity must be apparent from the conceptual screen design. Approach velocity not to exceed 0.2 ft/s. The combined rate of flow at the diversion site must be less than 3 cfs.
Passive Screens (not self-cleaned) Maintenance and debris management: A maintenance program must be approved by NMFS and implemented by the water user. The screen must be frequently inspected with debris accumulations removed, as site conditions dictate. Sufficient stream depth must exist at the screen site to provide for a water column of at least one screen radius around the screen face. The screen must be designed to allow easy removal for maintenance, and to protect from flooding.
Passive Screens (not self-cleaned) Maintenance and debris management: The debris load must be low. Sufficient ambient river velocity must exist to carry debris away from the screen face.
Passive Screens A maintenance program must be approved by NMFS and implemented by the water user. The screen must be frequently inspected with debris accumulations removed, as site conditions dictate. Sufficient stream depth must exist at the screen site to provide for a water column of at least one screen radius around the screen face. The screen must be designed to allow easy removal for maintenance, and to protect from flooding.
43 Passive Screens
44 Passive Screens
Flow Distribution - Passive Pump Screens
Passive Pump Screens - Installation
Passive Pump Screens – Anchor Blocks