Do Now/Equipment Quiz On a scrap piece of paper identify the 11 pieces of hive equipment located at the front of the room
Apis mellifera (Honey bee)
Introduction Social, well organized 3 types of adult bees – Queen – Drone – Worker Note – size of wings
Queen Only 1 – Exceptions?? Only 1 Greatest number of eggs in spring and summer (peak – 1500 eggs) Function – Lay eggs – Produce pheromones – Life span – 2-5 years
Queen 1 week after emerging – leaves hive for about 13 minutes to mate More than 20 days will only produce unfertilized eggs = drones Fed royal jelly and groomed by worker bees Swarming – cells are at bottom of frames Swarming Supersedure – larger cells on comb surface Supersedure Bee removal
Drones Male Largest bee Summer and late spring No stinger, pollen baskets or wax glands Die instantly upon matingmating Eat 3 times the food supply of workers (how would this impact the hive if there is a large number of drones?) Forced out in winterwinter
Worker Bees Smallest Sexually undeveloped females Structures – brood food glands, scent glands, wax glands, pollen baskets and stingers. Job – clean cells, feed brood, care for queen, remove debris, handle nectar, build beeswax, guard, air conditioning, forage for nectar, propolis, pollen, and water Job
Worker Bees Life span – summer 6 weeks – Fall up to 6 months Laying Workers – Queenless hive Ovaries of worker develop
Bee Development 3 stagesQueenWorkerDrone – Egg – Larvae – Pupa – Total Time – Length of stages dependant on type of bee
Rubric for Creating a Graph 3210 Data are well organized and presented in an appropriate manner Data are organized and presented in an appropriate manner. Minor errors or omissions may be present Data are poorly organized or presented in an inappropriate manner. Major omissions or errors may be present. Data are very poorly organized or presented in an inappropriate manner or missing altogether -Uses appropriate type of graph (bar, line, etc) -Results are correctly graphed. -Scale on each axis is even and appropriate for analyzing trends. -Title is informative and relates the independent and dependent variables. -Each axis is titled with the correct label and unit. -Graph is neat and a key is included (if applicable). One or two of the required elements are missing or incomplete. Three to four of the required elements are missing or incomplete. Five or more of the required elements are missing or incomplete.
Do now – on a scrap paper, write 3 characteristics of a drone, queen and worker bee. Agenda – – Do now (5 minutes) – Notes (10 minutes) – bee development – Practice (10 minutes)
Eggs Once egg per cell Stands up upon being laid then bends over All bees have 3 day egg stage
Larvae White in color “C” shape at bottom of cell Capped at end of larvae stage, stretch themselves length wise and spin thin cocoon During this stage, fed by nurse bees
Pupae Remain white and glistening Eyes start to change color then rest of the bee Capped Life cycle video
Practice A C B B
What is the age of a field bee? What is the age of a guard bee?
Varroa Mite MOhLEw&feature=player_detailpage MOhLEw&feature=player_detailpage EYIY&feature=player_detailpage EYIY&feature=player_detailpage
European and American Foulbrood NHM&feature=player_embedded NHM&feature=player_embedded
Do Now – Identify the following images – if pertinent, identify the age A B D C
Bee/Waggle Dance Waggle Experiment 2 components – a straight run — the direction of which conveys information about the direction of the food – the speed at which the dance is repeated which indicates how far away the food is
Waggle graph
Silence of the Bees
So What??? Why should I Care?? Create a KWL chart regarding how honey bees and their declining population affect your life. Why are bees important?
Silence of the Bees er_detailpage&v=_cU9ZunVl3o er_detailpage&v=_cU9ZunVl3o Bee temperment – africanized honey bees
Only Honey from Honey Bees? SWBAT determine which type of honey bee would be chosen in a given situation/scenario based on the data analysis chart and reading and be able to back up their selection with specific evidence. Agenda – Review corrected work – Bumble reading – Notes on honey bee types
Types of Honey Bees Italian – Apis mellifera ligustica – Extended brood rearing – Moderate gentleness – Robbers – spread of disease German – Apis mellifera mellifera – Aggressive – “hardy” – able to survive long winters – Susceptible to brood diseases
Types of Honey Bees Carniolan – Apis mellifera carnica – Fast spring buildup – Extremely docile – Good wax builders – High propensity to swarm Caucasian – Apis mellifera caucasica – Long tongue – – Extremely docile – Slow spring buildup – Excessive amounts of propolis
Types of Honey Bees Buckfast – Apis mellifera – Tracheal mite resistance – Cold “hardy” – Moderately defensive * * – Moderate spring buildup Russian – Apis mellifera – Vorroa mite resistance (good housecleaning – tracheal mite resistance) – Brood rearing and population fluctuate with environment (only when nectar is flowing) – Queen cells present most of the time – Moderate gentleness