1 SBAS Implementation in the Regions of ACAC and ASECNA FP7-GALILEO / FP7-GALILEO Project with Community research funding WP2- Service Enablers Scenarios - ACAC Prepared by Egis Avia Presented by Nga Bui (Egis Avia)
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Outline Proposed ACAC implementation steps Economical Enablers International ACAC cooperation ACAC objectives and strategy Technical solution for EGNOS extension over ACAC Region System Funding & Owner System Operator & Service Provider Certification Operations 2
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Proposed ACAC Implementation Steps 3 System Operator(s)Service Provider(s) Technical solution for EGNOS extension over ACAC Region Can be coupled System Owner Liability Working Agreements Contract Economical EnablersACAC Strategy Certification Operations International ACAC cooperation System Funding
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Economical Enablers 4 SBAS applications CBA Cost allocation and cost recovery scheme Evidence of demand Initiatives in the region? Depends on the technical solution In Europe, EC funds the service, free of charge for airspace users High operational interest: APV approaches available without any additional equipment on the airport
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 International ACAC cooperation 5 Coordination with EC: Following ACAC General Assembly decision n° 24 & 29 (2004): Open discussion with European Commission to prospect for cooperation in the use of EGNOS and GALILEO in the Arab region 3 ACAC / EC meetings during which the technical solutions for EGNOS extension have been reviewed ACAC General Assembly decision 25 (2006): To organize a ACAC / EC meeting on the study sponsored by the GJU regarding the expansion of EGNOS to Middle East region GNSS Workshop Riyadh – Saudi Arabia (2008) organised by ACAC: provided latest development on EGNOS extension over ACAC area. ACAC General Assembly decision n° 9 (2010): ACAC participation to the SIRAJ project approved & Designation of a representative from each members state to work in the project Coordination with ICAO: ACAC coordinates with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) MoC ICAO/ACAC have been signed on 27 September 2010
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 ACAC objectives and strategy 6 6 Operational: To assist and coordinate with members states to implement ICAO objectives ACAC Strategy ACAC Objectives Approach The policy context for the GNSS service implementation over ACAC is being developed around the following major axes: ICAO GNSS policy - A37 ICAO office and PIRG GNSS policy The Euro-Med PROJECT RTAP (Regional Transport Action Plan) action 27
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 ACAC objectives and strategy 7 7 ACAC Strategy (Approach and Landing) APIRG GNSS Strategy Short term – 2008/2012 o Basic GNSS with Barometric Altimetry Medium term – 2013/2016: o Basic GNSS with ABAS o SBAS Long term – 2017 onwards: o Multi-constellation GNSS with ABAS o SBAS o GBAS MIDANPIRG GNSS Strategy (updated strategy) Short term – 2008/2012 o RNP APCH (including Baro-VNAV) (30% of instrument runways by 2012) Medium term – 2013/2016 o RNP APCH (including Baro-VNAV and SBAS) (70% of instrument runways by 2014, 100% by 2016) Long term – 2017 onwards o RNP AR APCH A36-23 & A37-11 Resolutions RTAP Action 27 Collaboration with the EuroMed projects Liaison with the European Commission regarding the progress and opportunities related to the gradual introduction of European GNSS services in the region
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Technical solution for EGNOS extension over ACAC Region 8 8 Phased technical solutions for EGNOS extension over ACAC Region Short term MEDA region Medium/Long term To implement Regional Extension Module Medium term To implement 10° homogeneous extension Optimal solution in terms of coverage in the medium term Long term Independent infrastructure
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Technical solution for EGNOS extension over ACAC Region 9 9 Medium term possible coverage area based on homogeneous extension (10°) This area can only be covered thanks to REM module in the medium term (heterogeneous extension) MEDA Current possible coverage area Not Covered ?
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Focus on short term technical solution 10 APV-I availability in December 2011 with current EGNOS system configuration
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Focus on medium term technical solution 11 REM Concept Overview The Regional Extension Module (REM) is the solution for the integration, monitoring and control of the additional RIMS deployed for the extension. REM : Is linked to EGNOS core system (Europe) Is based on additional RIMS covering a service area outside ECAC Provides a level of monitoring and control to the Region Is able to be isolated from European network and processing European Processing Area REM 1REM 2 REM 3
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Focus on medium term technical solution 12 Proposed architecture (based on previous study)
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 System Funding & Owner 13 Short termMedium/ Long term Long term MEDA program Schedule System funding RIMS extension (MEDA) REM-2 Independent SBAS Technical solution Homogeneous extension (10°) 4 scenarios: EC ACAC GCC EC + ACAC 2 scenarios: GCC ACAC + GCC 2 scenarios: GCC ACAC + GCC Based on Navisat project System owner European Commission ACAC / GCC member States ARG-1 region Mauritania, Sudan and Western part of Middle East Coverage area ARG-3 region Eastern part of Middle East ACAC and/or GCC member States + * Regional Extension Module costs around 15M€ and includes 10 RIMS European Commission Europe (ECAC) or Medium term + Current EGNOS System (V2.2) + Operationf unding
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 System Operator & Service Provider 14 Short term Medium term Long term Schedule System operator RIMS extension (MEDA) REM-2 Independent SBAS Technical solution Homogeneous extension (10°) Regional EGNOS Operator System service provider ESSP (SPU) + Current EGNOS System (V2.2) Regional EGNOS Service Provider ESSP (SOU) ARG-3 SBAS Operator ARG-3 SBAS Service Provider Transfer
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 System Operator & Service Provider 15 The Regional EGNOS Operator should be in charge of: Regional infrastructure (RIMS, network, control center) Managing regional sites hosting the infrastructures and associated logistics aspects Some maintenance activities First line maintenance and troubleshooting activities Planned maintenance activities Regional system performance monitoring The Regional EGNOS Service Provider should be in charge of: Relationship with regional users NOTAM generation Regional end user performance monitoring
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Certification Reminder of the European Model 16 CERTIFICATION STREAMS REGULATORY ENABLERS TECHNICAL/ OPERATIONAL ENABLERS CERTIFICATION PROCESS EGNOS Service Provider Certification EC 550/2005 EC 2096/2005 Technical file Operation safety case Assessment against EC 550/2004 and EC 2096/2005 EGNOS System Certification EC 552/2004 ICAO Annex 10 Technical file Design safety case EC declaration of verification Application Certification ICAO Annex 11 EC 2096/2005 GNSS Application safety case Application operational approval Airworthiness Certification AMC20-28 Availability of certified equipment Airworthiness & operational approval ESSP certified as ANSP Audits to maintain certificate Certificate EC EC, ICAO EASA Industry ESSP ICAO, RTCA ANSPNSA EASA NSA Mutual recognition (SES) NSA NSA ↔ NSA ESSP
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Certification System ICAO and SES Service Provider SES Application ICAO and SES Airworthiness EASA System and application certification can rely on ICAO Applicable to ACAC Airworthiness: Based on each State regulations? Based on new common regulations? Based on other regulations (Europe, US…)? As from regulatory view point, in the ACAC Region: Each country has its own regulatory framework ACAC does policy and assists States in its application ACAC has Arabic institutional legal aspects but no common regulation over ACAC States The only common entity is the Arab League, but does nor address aviation at regulatory level 17
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Certification In the medium term, case of a regional operator and service provider (case of REM implementation in Region 3): Will it be certified? Based on which regulations? In case of regional service provider, depending on certification process A Regional Supervisory Entity may be created for Certification of Service Provision Application certification 18 Short term Medium term Long term Schedule System service provider ESSP (SPU) Regional EGNOS Service Provider ARG-3 SBAS Service Provider Transfer Certification French NSA Recognition by States out of ECAC To be defined at ACAC level
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 Operations Each ANSP in ACAC will be in charge of Procedure availability (from design to publication) Training (ATC) Procedures (ATC) Validation and broadcast of NOTAM for APV EGNOS operations NOTAM generation to be clarified: 2 Alternatives for NOTAM generation in ACAC Short Term: Upgrade of EURONOTAM to consider EGNOS extension Longer Term: Own ACAC dedicated Tool If a dedicated tool is developed for ACAC region, who will operate it? Regional Service Provider? Validation and validation of those NOTAM by each AIS? Central AIS? 19
SIRAJ Final Workshop - Rabat 28th May 2012 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION QUESTIONS? 20