Journalism 105: Newspaper Design Vocabulary
large letter usually at the start of an article
small headline placed within an article helps the reader follow the article
3. Standing Head text that appears consistently in a publication Examples: WHAT WOULD NEWMAN DO?, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, OPINION
Box that contains information, facts, and statistics breaks up large amounts of text on a page featured next to an article
any map, chart or diagram used to analyze an event, object or place
spot on front page that lists the content that is inside the newspaper
the part on the front page that previews what is inside the newspaper EARS
includes the name of all editors and staff as well as the address of the newspaper ** generally appears on the same page in each issue
the name of the publication, printed in large size on the front page
type at the top of an inside page giving the newspaper's name, date and page number.
a secondary story intended to be run next to a major story on the same topic Example: A story about a disaster may have a sidebar that tells what happened to a single victim.
the two connected pages in the middle of a newspaper (or a section of a newspaper)
an outline of a newspaper looks like a smaller version of the finished publication
space available for journalistic content The ratio of news to advertising is ideally 60% journalistic content, 40% advertisements.
empty space on a page creates a separation between articles and visual elements more white space= more upscale publication
The empty space around a visual element
17. Clean Copy draft of a newspaper that needs few corrections 18. Dirty Copy draft of a newspaper that needs many corrections
headline with hyphenation 19. widow/orphan: single word as the last line of a paragraph 20. river: words that are spaced too far from each other
aligning lines of text in adjacent columns (particularly within an article)
the vertical space between two or more body columns
line below a picture or photo that acknowledges its source
Do Now Below are three definitions. Write down the names of the terms they define: 1. the empty space around a visual element 2. includes the names of all editors and staff 3. Located on the front page, it previews the content inside the newspaper
Fonts with strokes at the top and bottom of a letter
Fonts without strokes
A method of organizing content on a page into blocks (known as modules).
To span text from the leftmost to rightmost point in a column
White space bordering the page
The “continued on page ___” notation that indicates the article is “jumping” to another page
An excerpt from an article that appears within or beside an article in a larger font
a short name given to an article in production What is the headline of your most recently published article?
33. Put to Bed when all work is completed and the newspaper has gone to press 34. Morgue a newspaper library where old newspapers are stored 35. Filler extra material kept to fill white space