By Robert Cerjan
Date of Birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15, 1767.
Place of Birth Andrew Jackson was born in Waxhaws.
Childhood Andrew Jackson was born march 15, 1767 between the North and South Carolina border. His father died before he was born. He grew up with his mom and his two brothers. Andrew and his brother fought with the American irregulars since they were too young to become soldiers. After they got captured in 1781 they both got smallpox but Robert died and Andrew survived. His mother later died. Andrew became an orphan.
Personal Facts Andrew Jackson’s nickname is “Old Hickory”. Jackson is part of the democratic political party. Andrew Jacksons supporters are the present day democratic party.
Election of 1824 John Quincy Adams won the election of John Adams got 84 electoral votes. The north east supported him.
Election of 1828 Andrew jackson won the election of Jackson got 178 electoral votes.
Jackson and a Political Convention A political convention is when the political party of the state or country meets and choose candidates for office. They also decide on policies for the political party.
Jackson Actively Campaigning Jackson was one of the first president to actively campaingn which meant he go around the city and talk face to face with people.
Spoils System The spoils system was created 1829 when Andrew Jackson became president. The spoil system was when Andrew would fire and hire federal workers.
Kitchen Cabinet The Kitchen Cabinet was created by Andrew Jackson when he thought his official cabinet had flaws because the vice president and secretary of state did not like each other. Instead of staying with them he went to his friends for opinion.
Veto Power Used by Jackson Andrew used the veto power a lot. Andrew Jackson used the veto power more than any other president before him.
Nullification Crisis In 1830 leaders of South Carolina thought that the states didn’t have to follow the law because of the tariff of 1828 wich raised taxes.
Trail of Tears Trail of tears is when Andrew Jackson forced the Cherokee Indian tribe east of the Mississippi river to move. They had a long tough journey they faced hunger, diseases and exhaustion. Almost 1/3 of them died on the journey.
Treatment of Cherokee Indians Andrew Jackson did not treat the Indians how they should be. They treated them as if the needed gudiance from their parents. He thought removing them from the land would be better than letting them stay in their own land. DJ1c
Discrimination by Andrew Jackson Andrew jackson discriminated native americans and afirican americans he didn’t treat them the same. He made the indians move west so he can buy more land and plant cotton. He made the afircan americans crop the cotton.
Indian Removal Act of 1830 The Indian removal act was passed May 28,1830. It stated that Andrew Jackson can move the Indians west of the Mississippi. Some tribes went peacefully while others resisted.
Conclusion Page Andrew Jackson was born poor March 15, He became an orphan as a child. He later went to school and became rich by being a lawyer. After being a lawyer he ran for presidency in 1824 but lost John Quincy Adams. In 1828 He became the seventh president. He moved the indians west of Mississpi. Some people might say he was one of the best president but others might disagree because of his racism. v=R7O_QNw7vpc
Reference Page s_7_Jackson.htm clay-election-1824/ html the-kitchen-cabinet System.htm crisis-def.htm