University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Professionalism and Personal Skills Lecture 14: Project Management
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Objectives Introduction to Project Management Introduction to team development and group roles Understand relevance of Task Identification and allocation Planning Schedules and identifying Deliverables Understanding Gantt Charts Summary
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Introduction What is ‘Teamwork’? What is the difference between a ‘Team’ and a ‘Group’? But why have a Team?
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Introduction So what do Teams do? What do we mean by a ‘Project’?
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Team Development Model Dr, Bruce Tuckman's published in 1965 his Forming Storming Norming Performing team-development model He added a fifth stage, Adjourning, in the 1970s. Alan Chapman website.
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Team Development Model Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 The Belbin Team Roles The personal skill inventory identifies eight team roles. There is also another team role called the Specialist which is not identified in the questionnaire.
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 The Belbin Team Roles Shaper (SH) Co-ordinator (CO) Plant (PL) Resource Investigator (RI) Monitor Evaluator (ME) Implementer (IMP) Team Worker (TW) Completer ‑ Finisher (CP) Specialist
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 The Belbin Team Roles Set implicit ground rules People bring assumptions
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 The Belbin Team Roles Agreed Tasks Members encourage contributions from everyone Roles should be clearly allocated Each person has the right to point out when these rules are being broken.
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 The Belbin Team Roles Discuss how it is going All teams have problems Check list
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Control Loop
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Steps in Planning a Project Define the TASKS Resource the Plan
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 What Are Tasks? How do we decide how to divide a project into tasks? As well as having a deliverable, a task should have a single, well-defined operation to achieve the outcome.
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Tasks How long should a task take? Ensure work is done in a sensible sequence How often should we measure progress?
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Gantt Chart
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Worth noting…… You have to use the plan (and modify it) to control the project You can use project management in a team BUT you can also use it to control your own individual work
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Schedules A Key Project Planning Technique Effective Scheduling
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Schedules
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Tasks At it is simplest: – a list of the activities needed to ensure the project hits all its targets
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Deliverables Products created by the project –Something tangible
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Gantt Chart
University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Summary Introduction to Project Management Introduction to team development and group roles Understand relevance of Task Identification and allocation Planning Schedules and identifying Deliverables Understanding Gantt Chart