Making Predictions Looking to the future...
What Are Predictions? Predictions are educated guesses about what will happen next. Predictions are not final. As you continue to read, you can see whether your prediction is correct or whether it needs to be adjusted.
Making Predictions Previewing & Prior Knowledge PredictionNew Information from Text Adjusted Prediction ++=
How to Make Predictions Previewing Look at the title and illustrations. What do you think the story will be about? Look for clues about what will happen next. Does the writer use any foreshadowing? What are the characters doing, thinking, and feeling?
How to Make Predictions Prior Knowledge Draw on your prior knowledgewhat you already know based on your lifein making your predictions. What do you know about the storys topic? Have you read similar stories? Have you experienced something similar? How might people in real life react to the situation in the story?
How to Make Predictions Prediction Combine what youve learned from previewing the text and from your prior knowledge to predict possible outcomes. Where is the writer leading you? How will the characters respond? What will happen next?
How to Make Predictions New Information from Text Compare your prediction to what actually happens in the story. Did the events turn out the way you thought they would? OR Do you need to adjust your prediction?
How to Make Predictions Adjusted Prediction Make new predictions as you continue to read. Now that you have more information, what do you think will happen next?
Lets Practice The Surprise The glare of headlights flashed across the dark room as the car pulled into the driveway. Moving the curtain back slightly, Jane peeked out the window and raised her hand. The five friends grew quiet as they waited for the signal. When Janes thumb went up, Hank lit the candles on the cake, picked up the tray, and moved to the front of the group. The sound of footsteps grew louder and then stopped directly outside the door. Keys jingled, the lock clicked, and the knob started to turn. The wait was finally over. ©
Lets Practice Previewing: The story seems to be about a surprise birthday party. Prior Knowledge: When we threw my uncle a surprise party, we waited in the dark so that he wouldnt think anyone was home. Prediction: The five friends are throwing a surprise birthday party for the person at the door. Previewing & Prior Knowledge New Information from Text Adjusted Prediction Prediction ++=
Lets Practice The Surprise The glare of headlights flashed across the dark room as the car pulled into the driveway. Moving the curtain back slightly, Jane peeked out the window and raised her hand. The five friends grew quiet as they waited for the signal. When Janes thumb went up, Hank lit the candles on the cake, picked up the tray, and moved to the front of the group. The sound of footsteps grew louder and then stopped directly outside the door. Keys jingled, the lock clicked, and the knob started to turn. The wait was finally over. As the door opened and a hand reached in to flip the light on, the friends yelled, Surprise! and threw confetti toward the startled woman standing in the doorway. Oh, Mrs. Phan, were sorry, Jane explained. We thought you were Amy.
Lets Practice New Information: The friends surprised the wrong person. Adjusted Prediction: The friends will wait for Amy to come home, so they can surprise her. Previewing: The story seems to be about a surprise birthday party. Prior Knowledge: When we threw my uncle a surprise party, we waited in the dark so that he wouldnt think anyone was home. Prediction: The five friends are throwing a surprise birthday party for the person at the door. Previewing & Prior Knowledge New Information from Text Adjusted Prediction Prediction ++=
On Your Own from Miss Awful by Arthur Cavanaugh Hey, whats going on? Jimmy Moore demanded, first to observe the changed appearance of the room. The other children crowded behind him in the doorway. Instead of a cozy semicircleAs though were seated round a glowing hearth, Miss Wilson had described it the desks and chairs had been rearranged into stiff, rigid rows. © Miss Awful by Arthur Cavanaugh from McCalls, April Copyright © 1969 by Arthur Cavanaugh. Reprinted by permission of the author.
The End