Needs of a European SCRF Facility - the BIG plan Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- DESY 11/2006 Planning Resource needs.


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Presentation transcript:

Needs of a European SCRF Facility - the BIG plan Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- DESY 11/2006 Planning Resource needs

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- References Letter-of-intent for CERN Council Strategy Group – strategygroup/BB2/contributions/Wagner.pdf strategygroup/BB2/contributions/Wagner.pdf For ESGARD discussion: –A SCRF Infrastructure for Europe; LAN/Documents/2006/ELAN-Document pdf LAN/Documents/2006/ELAN-Document pdf Technical interest –CLEAN-ROOM FACILITIES FOR HIGH GRADIENT RESONATOR PREPARATION; K.Escherich, A.Matheisen, et al.; conf pdf conf pdf –Proposes improved layout of cleanroom for the EP process –Does not contain redundancy

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Overview Motivation General layout General timeline Detailed Planning –Critical path items –Role models –Project resources –Proposal for Role models

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Research and Development GDE Discussions show that an effort is needed –To make ILC-gradients more reproducible The baseline process is clear, but some parameters are yet to be determined (details of post- electropolishing rinses) –This is the work of the labs Any step in Europe should be integrated in the larger R&D framework –Step toward a integrated systems test Build a 4th generation module At least the size of one RF unit, which determines the number of cavities to at least 30 –Knowledge transfer to industry Significant work is needed enabling industry to produce cavities on the level of the ILC gradients (see above) –After having worked out details, transfer this to industry But Industry can do things today (and the more in 2007/8) –Large contribution of the XFEL –Fabrication, First EP can/should be done in industry After results from the facility are available –Final preparation and tank welding in industry Final step –Module assembly in industry Other projects –Access to state-of-the-art cavity preparation

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Cavity Preparation Infrastructures Today Some infrastructure is available in Europe (not only DESY) Most setups are still R&D size –Often single-cell cavities –Small through-put Single-line of processing –No redundancy Have come to age –Materials –Overall layout needs significant re-work with today‘s knowledge Electropolishing as the baseline process required number of high pressure water rinses

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Next Generation Cavity Preparation Infrastructure I Main Features –Improved electropolishing Focus to avoid sulphurus contamination Redundancy –Improve Final cleaning Flexibility needed here e.g. alcohol rinses –High pressure rinse (HPR) Online particle count integrated in drain water line Redundancy –Cleaning of parts Automation needed: screws used as example –Improved/novel methods of QA/QC

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Next Generation Cavity Preparation Infrastructure II –Modular setup Institutes get responsibility for part of the process (HPR design, EP design etc.) –Redundant setup 2 x EP, 2 x HPR, °C bakeout stations –Other infrastructure Etching needed (e.g. outside cleaning) designated 800°C furnace Sufficient pump stations, etc. –Optional Dry-ice cleaning –Needs feasibility demonstration

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- EP Cleanroom HPR Pumps BCPHPR Oven 2x 120 C Cleanroom 10 Assembly Pre- Clean Autom.Parts Clean Alt. Rinses Tuning Chem. Supply PlantUltra-pure Water Plant Tank welding Layout of Preparation Facility

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Timelines for R&D Infrastructure ILC WorkOther projects Setup phase Installation of infrastructure Procurement of parts (e.g. cavities) Define cavity shapes etc. Research phaseUse of preparation and test systems Defining the details of the preparation (e.g. rinsing parameters) Design of infrastructure (e.g. EP bench) Transfer phaseTransfer parameters for final cavity preparation to industry Installation of infrastructure Industrialization phase Module assembly in industryUse of Infrastructure

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Scheme of Cryomodule Production (Research phase) Final Cavity Preparation Inspection Tuners Low-power testing Module Assembly Cleanroom Magnet Tuner Tests Tank welding Fabrication of cavitiesProcurement of couplers BPM Module Test Coupler Processing Cryostat Pre-treatment of cavities High-power testing In Industry In Labs

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Scheme of Cryomodule Production (Technology Transfer) Final Cavity Preparation Inspection Tuners Low-power testing Module Assembly Cleanroom Magnet Tuner Tests Tank welding Fabrication of cavitiesProcurement of couplers BPM Module Test Coupler Processing Cryostat Pre-treatment of cavities High-power testing In Industry In Labs

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Scheme of Cryomodule Production (Industrialization Phase) Final Cavity Preparation Inspection Tuners Low-power testing Module Assembly Cleanroom Magnet Tuner Tests Tank welding Fabrication of cavitiesProcurement of couplers BPM Module Test Coupler Processing Cryostat Pre-treatment of cavities In Industry In Labs

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Detailed Planning Most details on critical path items –Cavity procurement –Cleanroom installation Less detail in testing infrastructure –A lot of this is available Organisation –Defined role models of the labs e.g. Main Lab Coupler Lab Tuner Lab + generic labs: A,B,C,D,E –The work load can be re-distributed to some degree of course Cost estimation assumptions –Greenfield site –37,50 €/manhour –Hardware + running cost figures are a mix of TTF experience and XFEL preparation cost estimate

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Role models for SCRF facility All labs –Layout of facility esp. cleanroom –Define cryostats (in GDE context, of course) –Preparation of assembly cleanroom –Controls Could be specialized lab Main Lab –Hosts main part of infrastructure Cavity preparation, vertical testing and module testing –Vacuum infrastructure incl. 120 C furnaces Coupler Lab –Coupler procurement, preparation and conditioning –Support assembly cleanroom –Assembly at main lab Tuner Lab –Tuner procurement, warm + cold testing –Support module assembly cleanroom at main lab –Assembly at main lab

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Role models for SCRF facility (ctd.) Lab A –EP Modules specification, procurement, installation at central facility –Support central team in cavity preparation –High-power testing of individual cavities Lab B –BCP Module specification, procurement, installation at central facility –Support central team in cavity preparation –High-power testing of individual cavities Lab C –HPR Modules specification, procurement, installation at central facility –Support central team in cavity preparation Lab D –Eddy-current scanning of niobium –800 C furnace Lab E –Module cryostat specification, procurement –Support module assembly

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Gantt Chart: Cavity Preparation Setup Does not exist Critical path item

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Gantt Chart: Testing Setups Not on critical path –Timing should clearly be optimised for money flow Many opportunities (savings) already available – see below

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Gantt Chart: Material Niobium order and cavity procurement are the long lead-time items

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Gantt Chart: Operation Assumption is a collaborative operation of the facility as outlined in the role models

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Current Estimate: Schedule Project duration: 5,5 years Cleanroom setup phase: 2 years Material procurement:2,5 years Operation of preparation facilities: 3,5 years

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Current Estimate: Manpower While the overall load seems reasonable Details can of course still shift around –Indivudual tasks can be refined e.g. coupler effort –ratio between main lab and collaborators –Distribution of work load over years E.g test infrastructure manpower could be shifted

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Current Estimate: Cost Cleanroom + EP: 9,5 Mio € Testing infrastructure: 15 Mio € Materials: 5 Mio € Operation: 5 Mio €

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Current Estimate: Summary –Cleanroom + EP etc.:9,5 Mio € –Testing infrastructure:15 Mio € –Materials: 5 Mio € –Operation: 5 Mio € Total cost: 36 Mio € Of this total working cost: 5 Mio € ~ hours Total project duration:5,5 years

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Remember: Large labs can supply cryogenics and a good deal of test infrastructure –E.g. CERN Plant –Trade additional XFEL test hall test stand vs. Existing teststand –Several labs have infrastructure Coupler testing Horizontal test setups –Also usable for tuner tests This is to a large degree the big money…

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Missing equipments Central cleanroom installation –Cleaning modules (EP, BCP, HPR) must be new –Refurbishment of existing cleanroom seems more complicated –Distributed facility is not desirable strategy as QC is more complicated Vertical testing must be close to cavity preparation –Fast feedback from RF test needed –Distributed facility is questionable strategy for R&D phase Will be done in the long run e.g. industrialization phase and also XFEL mass production scenario Vertical testing must include appropriate diagnostics i.e. t- mapping –Only at DESY for multi-cells

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Available equipments Module assembly cleanroom –Could be SM18 Parts (antennas, screws etc.) cleaning –Several options at CERN 800 C furnace –DESY Vertical test stands –DESY, CERN (would need more resources) –other labs could specialize (e.g. t-mapping) Horizontal test stands –CEA, DESY, BESSY, CCLRC Module test stand –DESY CMTB Cheapest and quickest option provided we can trade for an additional XFEL test hall stand –CERN Is probably more expensive than DESY option, but still not greenfield price Coupler test stand –LAL Tuner test stand –Saclay, INFN, CCLRC, BESSY Eddy current scan –DESY ‘Savings’ ~5 Mio € + ?!

Lutz Lilje DESY -MPY- Next steps By now a refined estimate on the roles is available –Both investment and manpower Commitments are needed for more detailed planning –Experts know much more on what can be taken as existing and what needs to be upgraded (e.g. couplers) Knowing the current funding schemes on has to assess the possibilities for implementation –A large commitment of the parties would be required