20 June 2005Sonja Hillertp. 1 A M J J A S O N D J F M FY 05 / 06 FY 06 / 07 FY 07 / 08FY 08 / 09FY 09 / GEANT work 1.2 charge generation 1.3 charge collection 1.4 cluster finding, sparsific. 1.5 track fitting 1.6 covariance matrix 1.7 integration into SGV, test 2.1 update from ZVTOP 2.2 vertex info for jet finding 2.3 flavour tag, Qvtx (NN) 2.4 neutral B´s (chg dipole) 2.5 special topologies 2.6 polar angle dependence 2.7 alignment issues 3.1 standard model channels 3.2 Higgs physics 3.3 SUSY processes the full GANTT chart for WP1 as contained in the proposal:
20 June 2005Sonja Hillertp. 2 A M J J A S O N D J F M FY 05 / 06 FY 06 / 07 FY 07 / 08FY 08 / 09FY 09 / GEANT work 1.2 charge generation 1.3 charge collection 1.4 cluster finding, sparsific. 1.5 track fitting 1.6 covariance matrix 1.7 integration into SGV, test 2.1 update from ZVTOP 2.2 vertex info for jet finding 2.3 flavour tag, Qvtx (NN) 2.4 neutral B´s (chg dipole) 2.5 special topologies 2.6 polar angle dependence 2.7 alignment issues 3.1 standard model channels 3.2 Higgs physics 3.3 SUSY processes remove last 2 years and ‘MIPS to tracks’ development part:
20 June 2005Sonja Hillertp. 3 A M J J A S O N D J F M FY 05 / 06 FY 06 / 07 FY 07 / 08FY 08 / 09FY 09 / GEANT work 1.2 charge generation 1.3 charge collection 1.4 cluster finding, sparsific. 1.5 track fitting 1.6 covariance matrix 1.7 integration into SGV, test 2.1 update from ZVTOP 2.2 vertex info for jet finding 2.3 flavour tag, Qvtx (NN) 2.4 neutral B´s (chg dipole) 2.5 special topologies 2.6 polar angle dependence 2.7 alignment issues 3.1 standard model channels 3.2 Higgs physics 3.3 SUSY processes remove the parts of task 1.2 that depend on ‘MIPS to tracks’ – question: should this be done or can we assume to migrate to a full simulation & to revisit these issues on this time scale? ?
20 June 2005Sonja Hillertp. 4 replace task 1.3 with study of the two benchmark channels sensitive to detector geometry and requiring / providing assessment of the high-level reconstruction tools developed in parallel A M J J A S O N D J F M FY 05 / 06 FY 06 / 07 FY 07 / 08FY 08 / 09FY 09 / GEANT work 1.2 charge generation 1.3 charge collection 1.4 cluster finding, sparsific. 1.5 track fitting 1.6 covariance matrix 1.7 integration into SGV, test 2.1 update from ZVTOP 2.2 vertex info for jet finding 2.3 flavour tag, Qvtx (NN) 2.4 neutral B´s (chg dipole) 2.5 special topologies 2.6 polar angle dependence 2.7 alignment issues 3.1 A FB in e + e - qqbar 3.2 Higgs self-coupling are start dates reasonable? ?
20 June 2005Sonja Hillertp. 5 adjust duration of ZVTOP development (proposal assumed addition of ghost track algorithm only, for initial stage (FY 05/06))
20 June 2005Sonja Hillertp. 6 A M J J A S O N D J F M FY 05 / 06 FY 06 / 07 FY 07 / 08FY 08 / 09FY 09 / GEANT work 1.2 charge generation 1.3 charge collection 1.4 cluster finding, sparsific. 1.5 track fitting 1.6 covariance matrix 1.7 integration into SGV, test 2.1 update from ZVTOP 2.2 vertex info for jet finding 2.3 flavour tag, Qvtx (NN) 2.4 neutral B´s (chg dipole) 2.5 special topologies 2.6 polar angle dependence 2.7 alignment issues 3.1 A FB in e + e - qqbar 3.2 Higgs self-coupling ? start date for vertex info for jet finding was motivated by start time for new RA’s; since it might be useful for Higgs self-coupling start both at the same time; study polar angle dependence earlier; in conjunction with A FB studies, this will allow preliminary results on detector dependence to be obtained, as requested by POsC
20 June 2005Sonja Hillertp. 7 reduce effort on polar angle dependence and A FB studies from 50% to 25% from Oct 05 – Apr 06 and double their duration to stay within a reasonable assumption of manpower available
20 June 2005Sonja Hillertp. 8 A M J J A S O N D J F M FY 05 / 06 FY 06 / 07 FY 07 / switch to full MC 2.1 update from ZVTOP 2.2 vertex info for jet finding 2.3 flavour tag, Qvtx (NN) 2.4 neutral B´s (chg dipole) 2.5 special topologies 2.6 polar angle dependence 2.7 alignment issues 3.1 A FB in e + e - qqbar 3.2 Higgs self-coupling ? assume a full MC simulation and reconstruction framework suitable for our purposes becomes available in autumn next year, and switching to that framework can be done over half a year; updates of the high-level reconstruction tools might then be needed, as originally envisaged
20 June 2005Sonja Hillertp. 9 A M J J A S O N D J F M FY 05 / 06 FY 06 / 07 FY 07 / switch to full MC 2.1 update from ZVTOP 2.2 vertex info for jet finding 2.3 flavour tag, Qvtx (NN) 2.4 neutral B´s (chg dipole) 2.5 special topologies 2.6 polar angle dependence 2.7 alignment issues 3.1 A FB in e + e - qqbar 3.2 Higgs self-coupling when procedure for flavour tag, vertex charged established (as far as possible with SGV), begin work on neutral B’s (charge dipole), at first also based on SGV at 50% of an FTE, then adapt procedure as the full MC simulation becomes available (at 25% of an FTE); from Oct 06 work on special topologies in parallel; revisit polar angle dependence from Oct 07 (e.g. polar angle dependence for quark charge meas. of neutrals) alignment issues deferred by 3 months
20 June 2005Sonja Hillertp. 10 A M J J A S O N D J F M FY 05 / 06 FY 06 / 07 FY 07 / switch to full MC 2.1 update from ZVTOP 2.2 vertex info for jet finding 2.3 flavour tag, Qvtx (NN) 2.4 neutral B´s (chg dipole) 2.5 special topologies 2.6 polar angle dependence 2.7 alignment issues 3.1 A FB in e + e - qqbar 3.2 Higgs self-coupling The resulting GANTT chart for 3 years: assumption is that a new RA is recruited in Jan 06, studying Higgs self coupling and in parallel initially taking care of improving the track-jet association using vertex information and later of the switch to a full MC framework and the updates it requires on the tools (tasks 2.1, 2.2, 2.3); beginning of 2008, begins study of alignment issues wider bars correspond to 50% of an FTE, narrower bars to 25%