SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Level 2 Ocean Salinity Planning the year ahead 21 April 2015 ARGANS & SMOS L2OS ESL 1
SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Planning for May v6xx L1/L2 deployed, start of L2 reprocessing Training ESAC May; Science Conference May QWG#17 30 June – 2 July: updated DIP; task progress presentations July: milestone 1 acceptance of deliverables & progress report (30%) September: ESAC (TBC) October: QWG#18 new processor results & task progress presentations updated DIP & LTP & delivery plan for Phase 2 for ESA (TBC) November: L2OS new processors FAT November: PM#29 via WebEx (TBC) December: milestone 2 acceptance of deliverables & progress report (50%)
SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity PM#27 objectives 3 Share results & discuss issues – last face-to-face PM was May BEC! Review tasks, actions & priorities Gather status so we can draft a preliminary progress report for July Review & agree milestone deliverables for 2015 Plan what we want to present/discuss at QWG#17 Define technical specification for next version of L2OS processor
SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity deliverables (as agreed at January KO meeting) 4 Milestone 1 (July 2015) Progress report Reprocessing report (move to M2?) T1.1: land-sea contamination TN (JT) Performance Assessment TN (all) Prototype processor using land-sea ADFs T2.2: updated roughness models & TGRD from ESL (x3) T1.3: TN on L1 data filtering based on new reprocessing Milestone 2 (December 2015): Progress report T1.1: land-sea TDS run using prototype processor ESL analysis (PPSR) of TDS using Performance Assessment TN New operational processor & docs (updated ATBD, DPM, TGRD, IODD…) T2.3: updated AUX_GAL2OS & TGRD & TDS & PPSR from ESL (JT) T3.3: new TEC product definition Above TBC with ESA Technical Officer & QWG…
SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity (smos, sss2008)
SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS ESL Gantt chart 6
SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity 7 Detailed Implementation Plan:
SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity 8 Detailed Implementation Plan: