This is the member area. Here you can add a project, review your project or edit your account information.
To add a project click on the add project button.
You have to fill in all fields. The dates you enter for any phases or tasks you add to a project must fall between the dates of the project so choose start and end date accordingly. TiPS: By setting the end date 1 year further than planned you will be able to line up the Gantt chart so that the current month is on the lett edge.
Once your project has been added click on the “click here” button to go back to the member area. TIP: Similar to airline reservation systems you have to click the return button within the browser so the program knows to update the database. Clicking the back button on your browser will not work.
Once back in the member area. Click on “go to your projects” to see your newly added project.
You are the supervisor of project s you create. To edit the project click on the pencil to the left of the project title.
This is the project overview.
Importance of Phases Biosci RPM is structured so as to foster a rolling wave planning process. Organizing any complex task can be daunting. It is therefore best to begin with rough “phases”. Which are more general. For example the first phase for a research project might be “Write protocol”
To add phases to your project you can either click on the global phase planner or the Add phase button. When you first add phases you can use the global phase planner that allows you to enter mutliple phases. TIP: Use the global phase planner to brainstorm your project. This is particularly helpful when your are planning a project as a group.
To start using the global phase planner – enter a phase in the box on the left hand side. You do not have to specifiy dates, but remember they must fall within the dates of the project and in the case you do not specifiy the date the default date shown on the screen will be used and if it is not within thedates of the project you will receive an error message.
Once you have added a phase it appears above.
When you have added multiple phases they appear in a table. You can move them by clicking on the arrows. Phase can only move up, but you can use that to get any phase in any positon you want
You can also edit the phases in this view changing either the name, or dates by simply clicking on the box in the table.
Once you have listed all your phases click on submit all phases.
When the phases have been added you will see the screen above. Click on go to the project to further edit your project.
When you return to your project you will see your phases listed in a Gantt chart. The end date from the phase is indicated by a number in the bar tha corresponds to the day of the month the phase is planned to end. In order to add tasks to a phas click on the magnifying glass to the left.
Like with the phases you can add tasks either individually or using a global task planner.
Once you have made all your tasks click on submit all tasks.
Click on Go to project to view Gantt chart.
An overview of your phases and tasks is then generated. You can make furhter changes as desired. In order to add deliverables or milestones scroll down the screen
Click on the deliverables or milestones to add these to your project
When you add a deliverable you can enter the date, description, and a remark. The date will be tracked and notice posted when a deliverable is upcoming or past due. TIPS: this is a separate page so you can drag it to the side and view it simultaneously with the Gantt chart enter the name of the responsible person for the deliverable or any explanations for missed deliverables to the remarks section