E906 Spectrometer Upgrade Overview Paul E. Reimer Experimental Approach Impact on Fermilab Magnet Coil Fabrication Spectrometer Upgrades
2 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview x target x beam Detector acceptance chooses x target and x beam. Fixed target ) high x F = x beam – x target Valence Beam quarks at high-x. Sea Target quarks at low/intermediate-x. Drell-Yan scattering: A laboratory for sea quarks E906 Spect. Monte Carlo
3 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Physics Requirements Fundamentally want to measure and compare cross sections from a variety of targets as functions of di-muon Mass, x 1, x 2 Identify muons—hadron absorber and muon id wall Wide acceptance for desired muon kinematics Resolve kinematics: –Measure momentum of muons, reconstruct M, p L, x 1, x 2 –Depends on muon track reconstruction (through magnets) –Momentum measurement (2 nd magnet strength) Minimize background—muons from hadron decays –Absorber hadrons in dump and absorber before leptonic decay –Separate muon vertex—target vs. dump
4 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview E906 Spectrometer: Non-bend plane view Trigger electronics Scintillator Hodoscopes
5 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Detector Resolution Triggered Drell-Yan events 240 MeV Mass Res x 2 Res.
6 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Basic Approach to Measuring Drell-Yan Scattering Follow lead of pervious experiments: Proton beam on frequently interchanged targets 2 magnet spectrometer –1 st magnet focuses muons into spectrometer –2 nd magnet provides momentum measurement Beam dump within 1 st magnet –Graded hadron absorber within 1 st magnet to prevent interact hadrons before decay Target 1 st magnet 2 nd magnet Final identification Tracking/Triggering Stations
7 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Spectrometer upgrade Smaller Boost at 120 GeV than 800 GeV –Lorentz contract detector from 60 m to 25 m E866 E906 –Requires new focusing magnet Largest (non-Fermilab) part of upgrade New Station tracking chambers for higher background rates New Hodoscopes (material aging) New trigger (rates and flexibility)
8 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview M1 Magnet New coils Reuse whole pieces of SM12 magnet yoke (SM12 was the 14.4 m dipole used by E866)
9 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview M1 Magnet Coil Fabrication Budget Cost dominated by cost of conductor and coil ($1.3M of $1.6M)
10 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Magnet Gantt Chart
11 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Spectrometer Upgrade—Increased Rates Significantly higher instantaneous luminosity in E906 (10£beam intensity) Smaller boost ) larger chance for mesons to decay before interaction in beam dump Solutions: Replace Station 1 Drift Chambers with MWPC’s (WBS 2.2.1— Colorado) More flexible trigger (still modeled after E866, but in FPGA rather than LeCroy units) (WBS 2.3—Rutgers) Double ended readout and mean timers on Station 3 and 4 hodoscopes (for single rf “bucket” resolution—19 ns) (WBS and 2.1.3—Abilene)
12 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Spectrometer Upgrades—Aging Equipment E866 Station 3 and 4 scintillator dates from E605 in 1982 E866 Station 2 scintillator from 1989 upgrade—surplus material shows significant crazing Large trigger efficiency corrections for some individual hodoscope elements observed in E866 E866 Station1 of insufficient size for E906 Solution : Replace Scintillator with newer material –Stations 1 and 2 recovered from HERMES muon hodoscope (WBS 2.1.2, Illinois) –Station 3 and 4 new material (WBS 2.1.3, Abilene)
13 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Spectrometer Elements Upgrade Budget Primarily DOE/Office of Nuclear Physics with significant funds from NSF Key NSF contribution on Trigger Key NSF contribution on Trigger
14 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Spectrometer Upgrade Gantt
15 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Spectrometer Upgrade (cont.)
16 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Contingency Overall contingency ¼20% –Very standard techniques held in common Considered based on each WBS item, but held in common –Technical—Existing design () Completely new design –Construction—Standard Techniques () New techniques/materials Relatively standard techniques for all items –Schedule—Subsystem only () Critical Path Schedule had minimal impact on contingency since delays were built into schedule. –Additional contingency from outside factors (e.g. fluctuation of base aluminum conductor price, hydrocarbon price in scintillator)
17 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Location Fermilab Original Meson East now used as Superconducting Cryo-Module Test Facility (SCMTF) Alternatives Meson West –Vertical bend spectro.—bends + into earth. –2 nd magnet (SM3) must be assembled (but is available) NM4 (KTeV) –Beam lime below grade allows a horizontal bending spectrometer— bends + and - into earth –2 nd magnet (KTeV) in hall –Nicer facility for physicists Meson West NM4 (KTeV) Either location is acceptable to the collaboration Fermilab is considering the impact of the experiment at both locations In these talks, a vertical bend is assumed for historic reasons (i.e. E866/NuSea was that way)
18 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Impact of E906 on Fermilab Proton Impact: –5 s slow extraction of 2£10 12 protons/s each minute (possible scheme) delivers requested protons within 2 yrs –Approx. 10% impact on neutrino production Major Cost Drivers: –Beam Line –Cryogenics for liquid 1 H and 2 H targets –Assembly of Analysis Magnets Lesser (but still significant) Items: –Detector Gas System –Electrical and Water Utilities for Magnets –Shielding –Magnetic Field Mapping Equipment –Utilities for electronics –Area Preparation
19 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Summary of Overview Experimental approach has been proven by previous Drell-Yan experiments (E866, E789, E772). –E906 Expects higher rates, but appropriate modifications (e.g. Station 1 MWPC, double ended readout, trigger upgrade) have been made M1 Magnet is the major construction cost driver on the part of DOE/Nuclear Physics –Economical reuse of SM12 yoke –Design underway w/budgetary estimates Spectrometer upgrade requires only very conventional techniques –No technological show stoppers—uses well proven technology Requires commitment from DOE/NP, Fermilab (DOE/HEP), NSF Realistic schedule could start data collection in 2 ½ years
20 11 December 2006Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview Drell-Yan Acceptance Programmable trigger removes likely J/ events Transverse momentum acceptance to above 2 GeV Spectrometer could also be used for J/ , 0 studies