US Stave Core Production D. Lynn (BNL), LBNL Mechanical Meeting, Sep
US Stave Fabrication Sequence Differs mostly from UK sequence in that we pre-machine foam and make foam-pipe assembly Do we need identical standardized assembly of stave core in production? UK Foam SplitUS Foam Split 2
LBNL fabricates facings (either standard or co-cured). Ships to BNL BNL glues CF tubes, foam-pipe assembly, honeycomb to first facing, and end closeouts. Ships to Yale Yale grinds honeycomb. Ships to BNL BNL glues last facing Characterization (or QA) at BNL Assembly Sequence and Institutions for US Stave Cores Built Up to Now Expect facings will continue to be fabricated at LBNL All of the other steps could in principle be done at any of these institutions E.g. at present we do grinding at Yale as they have access to own grinder, but at BNL our central machine shops can do it (for prototyping, they are way too expensive!) Is it possible to skip grinding in future? (or perhaps use corrugated core??) 3
Old Gantt Chart (2009) for Stave Core Assembly—I have not updated it 4
Chart implied ~ 3 weeks assembly and QA (not including facing fabrication). Expect to maintain a throughput of 1/day (although maybe could do 2/day without much additional effort?). Seems likely need at most two main centers of production (US and UK). Where in US to make stave cores will require a comprehensive look at where hybrids, modules, stave cores, and final module mounting and stave testing will be done to maximize utilization of resources within US community – also will depend upon funding. 5