Project By: Brent Elder, Mike Holovka, Hisham Algadaibi
What is our project about? Design an interface for Window 7 Controlled by the Microsoft Kinect Device
Why? Gesture based interaction between humans and computers have seen a large growth in popularity To start developing towards interfaces that adapt more to humans Get beyond the traditional input devices Break into the field of gesture recognition
Goals Gesture Recognition Software that will translate our gestures and movements recorded by the Kinect into commands that will control our interface Voice Recognition Applications An array of different interface components and applications that will respond our gestures
Who is it for? We are the clients Research into the field of Human – Computer interaction Benefit our future careers Help to inspire future students
How? Kinect SDK Rainmeter: Desktop Customization Tool
Hardware RGB Camera3D depth sensors Multi-array microphones Motorized tilt
What is Kinect SDK? Programming toolkit Drivers Rich APIs for raw sensor streams Languages
Concept Video
Features Raw sensor streams Skeletal tracking Depth Data Advanced audio capabilities
Rainmeter Desktop Customization Tool Allows you to place fully customizable widgets on desktop Range from monitoring system resources to controlling media player Run shell commands Free and open source Source Code available at Google Project site Vocab
Rainmeter Plugins Plugins: .dll file which provides additional functionality not included in installation Plugins are developed using C# or C++ Same as Kinect SDK Development team includes plugin template file On Google Project Site
Rainmeter Plugins Continued Also include toolkit (Rainmeter.cs) which provides the necessary development tools Soon to be Wiki page up for plugin development as well
Success Criteria Creation of software that will translate predefined gestures into commands Interface that will respond accordingly to those commands Learning experience
Risks Programming difficulties Not enough time to finish all features Kinect SDK in Beta 2 Inaccuracy of the Kinect Device Incapability of Kinect SDK with Rainmeter
Planned Gestures Hand moving (Mouse movement) One Finger Click (Left mouse click) Two Finger Click (Left mouse double click) Horizontal and Vertical Swipe motion Grab and hold (ex. Dragging files) Keyboard command short-cuts
Planned Voice Commands Kinect Activate Kinect Deactivate Kinect Shutdown Kinect Restart Kinect Sleep
Data Modeling Not a database driven system Gestures will be identified within the code Voice commands may be able to be store in a database
Functional Requirements Accept input from the Kinect sensor Ability to interpret different hand gestures Ability to interpret different voice commands Simple mouse control A variety of different applications that are part of the interface. The interface will recognize at most two hands and one person
Gantt Chart - Research
Gantt Chart – Development Phase 1
Gantt Chart – Development Phase 2
Gantt Chart – System Testing/Refactoring
Division of Labor We are all knowledgeable with code development We will each be working on every level of the project Work will be divided evenly among us