Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 1 Lecture 13 l Goals Introduce concepts of Kinetic and Potential energy Develop Energy diagrams Relate Potential energy to the external net force Discuss Energy Transfer and Energy Conservation Define and introduce power (energy per time)
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 2 Conservative vs. Non-Conservative forces l For a spring one can perform negative work but then reverse this process and recover all of this energy. l A compressed spring has the ability to do work l For a Hooke’s law spring the work done is independent of path l The spring is said to be a conservative force l In the case of friction there is no immediate way to back transfer the energy of motion l In this case the work done can be shown to be dependent on path l Friction is said to be a non-conservative force
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 3 Hidden energy is Potential Energy (U) l For the compressed spring the energy is “hidden” but still has the ability to do work (i.e., allow for energy transfer) l This kind of “energy” is called “Potential Energy” l The gravitation force, if constant, has the same properties.
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 4 Mechanical Energy (Kinetic + Potential) l If only “conservative” forces, then total mechanical energy () of a system is conserved (potential U plus kinetic K energy) of a system is conserved For an object in a gravitational “field” l K and U may change, but E mech = K + U remains a fixed value. E mech = K + U = constant E mech is called “mechanical energy” E mech = K + U K ≡ ½ mv 2 U ≡ mgy ½ m v yi 2 + mgy i = ½ m v yf 2 + mgy f = constant
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 5 Example of a conservative system: The simple pendulum. l Suppose we release a mass m from rest a distance h 1 above its lowest possible point. What is the maximum speed of the mass and where does this happen ? To what height h 2 does it rise on the other side ? v h1h1 h2h2 m
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 6 Example: The simple pendulum. y y= 0 y=h 1 What is the maximum speed of the mass and where does this happen ? E = K + U = constant and so K is maximum when U is a minimum.
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 7 Example: The simple pendulum. v h1h1 y y=h 1 y=0 What is the maximum speed of the mass and where does this happen ? E = K + U = constant and so K is maximum when U is a minimum E = mgh 1 at top E = mgh 1 = ½ mv 2 at bottom of the swing
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 8 Example: The simple pendulum. y y=h 1 =h 2 y=0 To what height h 2 does it rise on the other side? E = K + U = constant and so when U is maximum again (when K = 0) it will be at its highest point. E = mgh 1 = mgh 2 or h 1 = h 2
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 9 Potential Energy, Energy Transfer and Path l A ball of mass m, initially at rest, is released and follows three difference paths. All surfaces are frictionless 1. The ball is dropped 2. The ball slides down a straight incline 3. The ball slides down a curved incline After traveling a vertical distance h, how do the three speeds compare? (A) 1 > 2 > 3 (B) 3 > 2 > 1 (C) 3 = 2 = 1 (D) Can’t tell h 13 2
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 10 Energy diagrams l In general: Energy K y U E mech Energy K u = x - x eq U E mech Spring/Mass system Ball falling 0 0
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 11 Conservative Forces & Potential Energy l For any conservative force F we can define a potential energy function U in the following way: The work done by a conservative force is equal and opposite to the change in the potential energy function. l This can be written as: W = F ·dr = - U U = U f - U i = - W = - F dr riri rfrf riri rfrf UfUf UiUi
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 12 Conservative Forces and Potential Energy l So we can also describe work and changes in potential energy (for conservative forces) U = - W l Recalling (if 1D) W = F x x l Combining these two, U = - F x x l Letting small quantities go to infinitesimals, dU = - F x dx l Or, F x = -dU / dx
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 13 Equilibrium l Example Spring: F x = 0 => dU / dx = 0 for x=x eq The spring is in equilibrium position l In general: dU / dx = 0 for ANY function establishes equilibrium stable equilibrium unstable equilibrium U U
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 14 Chapter 8 Conservation of Energy Examples of energy transfer l Work (by conservative or non-conservative forces) l Heat (thermal energy transfer) l A “system” depends on situation l Example: A can with internal non-conservative forces In general, if just one external force acting on a system
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 15 “Mechanical” Energy of a System…agai n l Isolated system without non-conservative forces
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 16 Example The Loop-the-Loop … again l To complete the loop the loop, how high do we have to let the release the car? l Condition for completing the loop the loop: Circular motion at the top of the loop (a c = v 2 / R) l Exploit the fact that E = U + K = constant ! (frictionless) (A) 2R (B) 3R(C) 5/2 R(D) 2 3/2 R h ? R Car has mass m Recall that “g” is the source of the centripetal acceleration and N just goes to zero is the limiting case. Also recall the minimum speed at the top is U b =mgh U=mg2R y=0 U=0
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 17 Example The Loop-the-Loop … again l Use E = K + U = constant l mgh + 0 = mg 2R + ½ mv 2 mgh = mg 2R + ½ mgR = 5/2 mgR h = 5/2 R R h ?
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 18 With non-conservative forces l Mechanical energy is not conserved.
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 19 An experiment Two blocks are connected on the table as shown. The table has a kinetic friction coefficient of k. The masses start at rest and m 1 falls a distance d. How fast is m 2 going? T m1m1 m2m2 m2gm2g N m1gm1g T fkfk Mass 1 F y = m 1 a y = T – m 1 g Mass 2 F x = m 2 a x = -T + f k = -T + k N F y = 0 = N – m 2 g | a y | = | a y | = a =( k m 2 - m 1 ) / (m 1 + m 2 ) 2ad = v 2 =2 ( k m 2 - m 1 ) g / (m 1 + m 2 ) K= - k m 2 gd – Td + Td + m 1 gd = ½ m 1 v 2 + ½ m 2 v 2 v 2 =2 ( k m 2 - m 1 ) g / (m 1 + m 2 )
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 20 Energy conservation for a Hooke’s Law spring l Associate ½ kx 2 with the “potential energy” of the spring m l Ideal Hooke’s Law springs are conservative so the mechanical energy is constant
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 21 Energy (with spring & gravity) l E mech = constant (only conservative forces) l At 1: y 1 = h ; v 1y = 0 At 2: y 2 = 0 ; v 2y = ? At 3: y 3 = -x ; v 3 = 0 l E m1 = U g1 + U s1 + K 1 = mgh l E m2 = U g2 + U s2 + K 2 = ½ mv 2 l E m3 = U g3 + U s3 + K 3 = -mgx + ½ kx h 0 -x mass: m Given m, g, h & k, how much does the spring compress?
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 22 Energy (with spring & gravity) l E mech = constant (only conservative forces) l At 1: y 1 = h ; v 1y = 0 At 2: y 2 = 0 ; v 2y = ? At 3: y 3 = -x ; v 3 = 0 l E m1 = U g1 + U s1 + K 1 = mgh l E m2 = U g2 + U s2 + K 2 = ½ mv 2 l E m3 = U g3 + U s3 + K 3 = -mgx + ½ kx l Given m, g, h & k, how much does the spring compress? l E m1 = E m3 = mgh = -mgx + ½ kx 2 Solve ½ kx 2 – mgx +mgh = h 0 -x mass: m Given m, g, h & k, how much does the spring compress?
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 23 Energy (with spring & gravity) l E mech = constant (only conservative forces) l At 1: y 1 = h ; v 1y = 0 At 2: y 2 = 0 ; v 2y = ? At 3: y 3 = -x ; v 3 = 0 l E m1 = U g1 + U s1 + K 1 = mgh l E m2 = U g2 + U s2 + K 2 = ½ mv 2 l E m3 = U g3 + U s3 + K 3 = -mgx + ½ kx l Given m, g, h & k, how much does the spring compress? l E m1 = E m3 = mgh = -mgx + ½ kx 2 Solve ½ kx 2 – mgx +mgh = h 0 -x mass: m Given m, g, h & k, how much does the spring compress?
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 24 Energy (with spring & gravity) l When is the child’s speed greatest? (A) At y 1 (top of jump) (B) Between y 1 & y 2 (C) At y 2 (child first contacts spring) (D) Between y 2 & y 3 (E) At y 3 (maximum spring compression) h 0 -x mass: m
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 25 Work & Power: l Two cars go up a hill, a Corvette and a ordinary Chevy Malibu. Both cars have the same mass. l Assuming identical friction, both engines do the same amount of work to get up the hill. l Are the cars essentially the same ? l NO. The Corvette can get up the hill quicker l It has a more powerful engine.
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 26 Work & Power: l Power is the rate at which work is done. l Average Power is, l Instantaneous Power is, If force constant in 1D, W= F x = F (v 0 t + ½ a t 2 ) and P = W / t = F (v 0 + a t) 1 W = 1 J / 1s
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 27 Exercise Work & Power A. Top B. Middle C. Bottom l Starting from rest, a car drives up a hill at constant acceleration and then suddenly stops at the top. l The instantaneous power delivered by the engine during this drive looks like which of the following, Z3 time Power time
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 28 Exercise Work & Power P = dW / dt and W = F d = ( mg cos mg sin d and d = ½ a t 2 (constant accelation) So W = F ½ a t 2 P = F a t = F v l (A) l (B) l (C) Z3 time Power time
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 29 Work & Power: l Power is the rate at which work is done. l A person of mass 80.0 kg walks up to 3rd floor (12.0m). If he/she climbs in 20.0 sec what is the average power used. l P avg = F h / t = mgh / t = 80.0 x 9.80 x 12.0 / 20.0 W l P = 470. W Example:
Physics 201: Lecture 13, Pg 30 Recap l Read through Chap