Meeting Agenda (1)Overview ( 概观 ) (2)Questions from previous week ( 上周遗留问题 ) (3)Training of ANN ( 人工神经网路训练 ) (4)Optimization Algorithm Update ( 优化更新 )
(1) Overview Previous Week and Current Week: – Questions from previous weeks. ( 上周遗留问题 ) – Training results of ANN (multiple purchase order) ( 人工神经 网路训练 ) – Optimization algorithm update. ( 优化更新 ) – Propose new schedule ( 新的排程 ) Tasks in Progress: –Optimization of multiple purchase orders. –Overtime of machines
(2) Previous week questions Machines are used in weekend as well. ( 假日刨床照常工作 )
(3) Training of ANN Please refer to PDF
(4) Optimization Update We are finalizing the algorithm so that it can handle multiple purchase orders. Our next task will be to implement the overtime for each machine. The algorithm has been updated so that if a new schedule is created in the middle of the month the same Gantt chart is updated. Please refer to excel